Happy Birthday GrandOldTeam!

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GrandOldTeam is SEVEN years old today! - Where does the time go?!

Every year since 2007 we've grown, with last year proving no exception;

5th February 2008 - 1 year old! 950 members accumulated 97,810 posts
5th February 2009 - 2 years old! 4,539 members accumulated 270,377 posts
5th February 2010 - 3 years old! 7,189 members accumulated 482,908 posts
5th February 2011 - 4 years old! 9,143 members accumulated 735,329 posts
5th February 2012 - 5 years old! 12,336 members accumulated 1,061,248 posts
5th February 2013 - 6 years old! 16,925 members accumulated 1,697,112 posts
5th February 2014 - 7 years old! 22,553 members accumulated 2,472,667 posts

... A sincere thank you to all of you who visit and login to GrandOldTeam to make it the very best place on the web for fans worldwide to congregate to discuss Everton Football Club.

Happy Birthday GOT :cheers:

Is right.


This place must be the largest Everton website outside the OS now...traffic-wise.

Happy birthday GRAND OLD TEAM.

Never thought I'd get as hooked as I am when I signed up. Testiment to the site.

Here's to 7 more.

Happy Birthday everyone ...
Seven years old. Many more years to come. Was glad someone took the time to set this place up after the last forum was closed because of some bitter dispute.

During the early days, this place was so pro kenwright and pro moyes it's scary. Anyone who came in and criticise the board or the manager will get hounded. I'm glad to see a more balanced view now.

There were some interesting character over the years.
Matt damon
toxtethblue(superb tactical knowledge of the game)
chico(clique leader?)
Cal(cant really remember his nick)
Tx bill
To name a few. Many more i can't recall. Each contributing to this forum in their unique ways. I'm just glad to be part of everything. Long may it continue.

Well done lads.
I always feel like I missed so much, but I've actually been on here over half the time GOT has been alive.

Happy birthday GOT. Don't make me say I love you.

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