2019/20 Gylfi Sigurdsson

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I wasn’t the only one that said we should have walked away when it was clear that Swansea were rinsing us. Nobody else even wanted him! But we were so scared of not making an ‘impact signing’ that they knew we wouldn’t walk away.

I think we may (not definitely) have walked away from our desire to sign Zaha last summer, as the price was too high. The problem was that it left us scrambling around for no-marks on deadline day, and we ended up getting rinsed paying 25 million for Iwobi anyway, which was half the value that we were purportedly willing to pay for Zaha.

Both are unbelievably crap signings. Iwobi is slightly worse at the moment because Gylfi has actually made an impact at times, but he cost twice as much, so they are equally as bad.
Leicester wanted him

Got to be the most underwhelming record signing ever, Only done by us of course.


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