GrandOldTeam TV GOT TV: Where do you think EFC will finish this season?

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Anyway, if we dont improve the midfield we are looking at around 15th/16th.

If we buy some actual football players for the midfield we can easily crack the top 8.
As it stands we'll be lucky to finish in the top 6.
Add a couple of top signings and we should be in the top 6.
Address all positions needed with mediocre signings and we'll be top 6.
Address all positions needed with top players and we will be in the top 4.

Saying that, if we don't sign a decent keeper, we're screwed anyway!
Bottom 6 based on the current squad. Might change my mind when I see who gets signed. I am expecting some big signings.

I'd take a season of rebuilding after the damage done by Martinez, overhaul the squad and a top 8 finish with signs of progress would be good. If we could squeeze into the Europa League then that'd be a bonus.
5th or 6th. Hopefully the new manager will have an impact and the players will perform for him and to the best of their ability. Neither of those things happened for the last three months of last season so our final resting place was not a true reflection of actual quality. If we spend some serious cash then maybe even 4th.

West Ham, Southampton, RS, Stoke and Leicester dislike this.

And I dislike all 5 of them.

East Beef - overrated, one good season in last how many years
Southampton - sold best players, again
RS - inconsistent, poor squad
Stoke - see RS
Leicester - lost key player, will be distracted by CL adventure
As we stand right now, I honestly think the best we can realistically expect is 8th as we've not yet addressed the weaknesses in the squad, nor have we cleared out enough of the journeymen clogging up the place.

Niasse, Kone, McGeady and Gibson all need to be moved on, maybe even McCarthy unless he starts to be more positive on the ball... Koeman will not accept sideways and backwards safety first footie. He wants positivity in possession.

If, and at this late stage it's a big if, we can land a top goalie, Mata and a quality striker to play with Rom, then 6th would be a significant improvement upon the rubbish of the last two seasons.

Anything below 8th and next summer will see Stones if he's still here, Lukaku and maybe others demand a move away... and recruiting for 2017/18 could be a bigger issue than this summer.

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