General Meeting

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I'm not being negative though? I'm really not, at all. He's been good for us, but he's not done anything to suggest that talk of joining the elite and winning the league is realistic. When he came in he made some noises that suggested things were going to change massively here, but they haven't really. I don't blame him for that, he's not got the money of City or PSG etc, but his bullishness has probably led to a bit more impatience from fans who expected more, and he doesn't really seem to have learnt from that because things like this are still being said.

I said to another poster, it's disingenuous to say there was no timescale given. As I said, football fans are volatile, fickle, impatient, whatever you want to call them. When you say you have an ambition it will be taken that you mean in the next 10 years as an absolute maximum. You can't just say 'yeah you might all be dead but it will happen I promise'. If we haven't cracked the top 4 in 4-5 seasons, and are still signing the type of players we are now, you can bet your life there will be grumblings about lies and promises not being kept etc, when better communication could have had people saying this is great, we're going the right way. I just think we could do without this sort of bullish statement, it doesn't mean I don't like Moshiri or think he's a fraud.

I think this is a good post. All the briefings to the national and local press about "doing a Manchester City" as was often put across (in a roundabout way) seemed coordinated. It was extremely foolish. One because of the money involved in football now, with the way inflation has gone would mean it's almost impossible for anyone to do. I saw someone, if you adjusted fees to modern levels, Mourinho would have had well over 1 billion over a couple of seasons, while City were at around £800 million for the first 2 years. I'm not sure that level of investment is sustainable for anyone. (And for City that was to get them from 8th to about 4th). You also wouldn't get away with it with FFP. While it's easy to get around, there are limits.

I am not sure he completely understands the psyche of football fans, who can be very literal and often hear only what they want to hear. However improbable they will hold you to it and remember it. He raised expectations far to high (needlessly so) and is somewhat suffering the consequences now as most fans seemed a bit confused by whats happened. Frustrated but not sure who to blame.

On reflection he should have started with the boardroom and worked outwards, and stressed the need to work smartly. In many ways we were closer to Tottenham in terms of a model 3 years ago than we are now. Koeman wouldn't have fitted that system, a "superstar on the sidelines" wouldn't have either, and in all likelihood neither would Walsh. Brands would have done. Silva may have done. We have them now.

I think he has to make his mind up really. If we are going to try to emulate Spurs, or a Germanic style of club then I'd prefer us to go all in on it. Part of that is continuing to do as we are with signings, but more players under 25 and also some teenagers need to be being bought. We also need to make a lot of of the fact that we have the youngest playing team in the league, and be rivalling bundesliga teams for players such as Odoi, Foden etc who are looking for game time. We have shown we can give regular game time, but it's a case of getting that information out there.

I think this is a good post. All the briefings to the national and local press about "doing a Manchester City" as was often put across (in a roundabout way) seemed coordinated. It was extremely foolish. One because of the money involved in football now, with the way inflation has gone would mean it's almost impossible for anyone to do. I saw someone, if you adjusted fees to modern levels, Mourinho would have had well over 1 billion over a couple of seasons, while City were at around £800 million for the first 2 years. I'm not sure that level of investment is sustainable for anyone. (And for City that was to get them from 8th to about 4th). You also wouldn't get away with it with FFP. While it's easy to get around, there are limits.

I am not sure he completely understands the psyche of football fans, who can be very literal and often hear only what they want to hear. However improbable they will hold you to it and remember it. He raised expectations far to high (needlessly so) and is somewhat suffering the consequences now as most fans seemed a bit confused by whats happened. Frustrated but not sure who to blame.

On reflection he should have started with the boardroom and worked outwards, and stressed the need to work smartly. In many ways we were closer to Tottenham in terms of a model 3 years ago than we are now. Koeman wouldn't have fitted that system, a "superstar on the sidelines" wouldn't have either, and in all likelihood neither would Walsh. Brands would have done. Silva may have done. We have them now.

I think he has to make his mind up really. If we are going to try to emulate Spurs, or a Germanic style of club then I'd prefer us to go all in on it. Part of that is continuing to do as we are with signings, but more players under 25 and also some teenagers need to be being bought. We also need to make a lot of of the fact that we have the youngest playing team in the league, and be rivalling bundesliga teams for players such as Odoi, Foden etc who are looking for game time. We have shown we can give regular game time, but it's a case of getting that information out there.
Thanks, that’s exactly what I meant. I made a bit of a mess of getting my point across and you’ve made it a lot clearer than I did!
All the briefings to the national and local press about "doing a Manchester City" as was often put across (in a roundabout way) seemed coordinated. It was extremely foolish. One because of the money involved in football now, with the way inflation has gone would mean it's almost impossible for anyone to do. I saw someone, if you adjusted fees to modern levels, Mourinho would have had well over 1 billion over a couple of seasons, while City were at around £800 million for the first 2 years. I'm not sure that level of investment is sustainable for anyone. (And for City that was to get them from 8th to about 4th). You also wouldn't get away with it with FFP. While it's easy to get around, there are limits.
I am not sure he completely understands the psyche of football fans, who can be very literal and often hear only what they want to hear. However improbable they will hold you to it and remember it. He raised expectations far to high (needlessly so) and is somewhat suffering the consequences now as most fans seemed a bit confused by whats happened. Frustrated but not sure who to blame.
On reflection he should have started with the boardroom and worked outwards, and stressed the need to work smartly. In many ways we were closer to Tottenham in terms of a model 3 years ago than we are now. Koeman wouldn't have fitted that system, a "superstar on the sidelines" wouldn't have either, and in all likelihood neither would Walsh. Brands would have done. Silva may have done. We have them now.
I think he has to make his mind up really. If we are going to try to emulate Spurs, or a Germanic style of club then I'd prefer us to go all in on it. Part of that is continuing to do as we are with signings, but more players under 25 and also some teenagers need to be being bought. We also need to make a lot of of the fact that we have the youngest playing team in the league, and be rivalling bundesliga teams for players such as Odoi, Foden etc who are looking for game time. We have shown we can give regular game time, but it's a case of getting that information out there.

Care to share all these briefings with us?
I'm pretty sure that nobody connected to Everton or Moshiri uttered the words that you have disingeneously put into quotation marks.
Care to share all these briefings with us?
I'm pretty sure that nobody connected to Everton or Moshiri uttered the words that you have disingeneously put into quotation marks.
Think it’s pretty clear that the quotation marks are for his own quotation, seeing as in the very same sentence he says that it was in a roundabout way.

Are you suggesting that you don’t think all the stories about £100m net spends and us becoming serious players, and the links to the likes of witsel and mata were co-ordinated by the club and were just made up by numerous usually reliable journalists, just because there were no direct quotes? That’s... a little naive I think.
Care to share all these briefings with us?
I'm pretty sure that nobody connected to Everton or Moshiri uttered the words that you have disingeneously put into quotation marks.

I am sick to death of seeing folk claiming that Moshiri or the club did nothing to inflate the expectations. He might not have said "we're gonna do a City" verbatim but take a look at what he did say and then have an honest think on whether or not you think he raised expectations beyond what he can deliver with these quotes given what we've seen the past three years.

His first program notes

"I am here to support them as required to ensure that the club recaptures the glory days of the past and builds sustained success in the future.

"We need to make sure club has a suitable stage to perform on"

"I know a lot of you want to know what my plans are. There is much to be done and things for me to learn, but I can confirm that I have committed to providing additional funds for transfers and retaining our key players to ensure that we have a strong ore to build on for the future

The "Nothing will ever be the same" 2016 season ticket sales tagline.

From his talksport interview 2016

On his priorities for the club:
For our club to compete in the north west of England, which is the new Hollywood of football with Guardiola, Mourinho and Klopp, we needed a star to stand on the touchline so we got Koeman.

On his backing for manager Ronald Koeman:
“We have no restrictions to spend.
The manager is totally committed and ruthless; if a player is not up to it he uses another player and eventually he buys one. I support him. The job of the owner and chairman is simply to hire and fire a manager. The rest is down to him. Once we hire a manager, we back him. He keeps his counsel. He has the personality, the aura and the ability. We trust him. He achieved eighth and seventh with Southampton. He needs to improve on that. It is a difficult landscape now because a lot of clubs are getting new kit deals – £900million, £1billion – so we know it is difficult but there is always a way to compete and will find a way to compete. He [Koeman] is everything I wanted. Disciplined, experienced, a top coach. He has got the aura. He was one of top 50 all-time players. He is very direct and his sense of humour is Dutch!”

"60mil is Monopoly Money"

His first AGM in 2017
"It is not just enough to say we are special. We don’t want to be a museum, we want to be competitive and we want to win. "

"There's a window to establish ourselves. We'll do everything we can to build a sustainable base and become part of the elite. We are committed. That’s why we are here. "
Think it’s pretty clear that the quotation marks are for his own quotation, seeing as in the very same sentence he says that it was in a roundabout way.

Are you suggesting that you don’t think all the stories about £100m net spends and us becoming serious players, and the links to the likes of witsel and mata were co-ordinated by the club and were just made up by numerous usually reliable journalists, just because there were no direct quotes? That’s... a little naive I think.

Are you suggesting that the British press would never seek to exagerate and sensationalise any information given? Now THAT is naive.

Are you suggesting that the British press would never seek to exagerate and sensationalise any information given? Now THAT is naive.
They don’t make up stuff like that as a rule, no. All the comments and articles at the time had all the hallmarks of off the record briefings. I should know, I give them. That’s before we even get on to the direct quotes that jake has posted.

Again, I’m not having a pop at moshiri here. I don’t think he’s deliberately lied or whatever, but I think it’s clear that he has a habit of getting a little ahead of himself and making slightly ill advised comments. I think last nights was another one, that’s all.
I'll tell you what's changed. Perception and expectancy.

Let's take a trip back to Moyes reign. Fans understood the plight of the club. We longed for the magical bullet of a sheikh or a oligarch. Sky money was less. We balanced books by making huge profits on players Moyes had nurtured. There are countless examples of players we trebled/quadroopled their value once sold. Moyes had the knack of getting great value out of players he'd paid peanuts for. We kept accruing debt though although it was being managed via various loans. As fans we hated the fact we sold our best players. A large percentage of the fans demonised Moyes for not taking us forward despite regularly finishing 5th,6th,7th. His style was mocked as cowardly. He was accused of not being adventurous. We demanded something better.

Zoom forward and the clubs financial plight was saved by the ridiculously ludicrous new sky contracts. This made us a finally attractive project for an aspiring billionaire to take on. Enter Mr Moshiri. Suddenly it seemed like we were spending boat loads at levels we'd never seen before. Expectation became bigger. The super fan was born. Top six here we come. Unfortunately though things weren't gelling like they should. Managers were spending huge amounts of money on average players or prospects. These managers didn't improve them though so slowly but surely they had to be taken off our wage bill incurring huge losses. This is a process that is still going on today. Also under the Mosh our new look teams seem to have a soft under belly, a lack of fight. We don't have jewels in our team anymore that we know can bag us a massive transfer profit. Players seem to stagnate when they come to us at present. This is damaging financially. Moyes was criticised for not bringing through enough youth. However under Mosh our youth has had lots of chances but has flattered to deceive.

I want to just say I'm on Mr Moshiri's side. I'm just trying to point out that since he came from a pure footballing perspective we have been worse than when we were skint. That's a shame and it's scary to think that in order to improve it seems like we have to keep throwing huge amounts of money at the problem. Is this sustainable. I'm not so sure and when the super fan sees the expected slow down in investment things are gonna get messy in here. I prey Marco turns this poor run around or this season may turn into a dark one indeed.
Go read the quotes from him I just provided you with. They came from his gob, nothing to do with the "British Press".

Other than the Ronald Koeman stuff which everybody (including Moshiri I'm sure) now see as a mistake (wonderful thing hindsight) I see little wrong with what he has said. I have no doubt at all that he is as ambitious as he sounds. Nowhere does he say that we will be a huge success almost overnight (which is what YOU were alluding to by making a comparison with Manchester City)
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