2021/22 Frank Lampard

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Benitez killed any spirit left in the club and Lampard is doing his best to salvage.

Apart from an entertaining debate, does anybody really, genuinely in their heart think Benitez was a good hire for Everton ?

I'm still confused by his appointment - a real 'cut off your nose to spite your face' moment.
He doesn't use phenomenal in every sentence which is a start nor look like he's come off a shift serving paella all night.

The big test is if he can attract the players we need with the new DOF. Unless moshers reverts to type and signs Andy Carroll.
Just a proper striker supported by Gordon and Richie would take us to another level. The weight that would take off tje midfield and defence would be immense.
Benitez killed any spirit left in the club and Lampard is doing his best to salvage.

Apart from an entertaining debate, does anybody really, genuinely in their heart think Benitez was a good hire for Everton ?

I'm still confused by his appointment - a real 'cut off your nose to spite your face' moment.
God knows what goes through moshers mind. Seems to prefer advice from Jim White and the super agent, whose not registered as an agent before the staff he's employed.

He's a dangerous idiot who does not know the value of money nor the fan base of everton
We should have sacked Big Undies after the Watford game and gone elsewhere. Would it have been Lampard at that point? Who knows

Would have loved to have seen him with a few more games in his back pocket - especially at home - but there’s a genuine connection building between him and the fans, which was imperative

I like him he is still learning on the job in a battle to survive so it’s though seems to learned a few lessons tho. Like don’t start Jonjoe and get Mina in and Keane Out when possible. If we stay up I think he will be very good next season.
It’s a shame we’re in the spot that we are because I think if Frank had us around 14th or somewhere comfortably safe he’d be good to experiment a bit more. He’s very clearly a good coach with what he’s gotten so far, we’re just in a position where everything is must win.

Hopefully we can survive and get a few in and out in the summer. Honestly as long as we’re not fighting relegation next year I’d basically give him the full year to make more improvements with young players like Gordon, Mykolenko and Patterson among others. He already has a very good record of working with youth so if he can continue that with us that’d be fantastic given how many older players are in the squad.

The only thing that 100% needs to be sorted asap is a CB as good as Mina, if he can keep his fitness and give him a partner then we’d be sound, if not a quality CB is needed because Holgate and Godfrey have both shown that they can play well and pull their weight when they play with a better, more experienced player. Michael Keane can’t play for this club again next season, I would go so far as to say he’s a priority to bomb out this summer.

I’d love for us to start looking at young Championship players or across Europe, since Moshiri has come in we’ve always looked for the finished article, overpaid and they’ve almost always not been good enough. I’d much prefer us to have a decent first 11 and have most of the lads waiting in backup to be up and comers rather than has beens or worse still never weres like we’ve seen for the past few years.
We should have sacked Big Undies after the Watford game and gone elsewhere. Would it have been Lampard at that point? Who knows

Would have loved to have seen him with a few more games in his back pocket - especially at home - but there’s a genuine connection building between him and the fans, which was imperative
Speaks well, tactically sound, not afraid to tell it how it is etc, there’s a hell of a lot to like about Frank. He suits Everton down to the ground.
In all the amazing things that happened today that'll go down in Goodison folklore (parading a dog around, Richarlison chucking a flare, fans hiding balls everywhere), it's a shame that no one managed to get footage of Lampard slyly gesturing to fans in the family enclosure to keep the ball away from the Chelsea players; I nearly bust a lung when I saw him do it
I really hope we stay up as it almost feels like he's caretaker here till we do.

I dont think he will be given a fair crack of the whip should we go down.

I'm impressed by his coaching team, intelligence and ability to man manage this rabble. I feel like away from home a win is coming and let's not forget that he has had some rotten luck with injuries and a broken squad.

Were not out the woods yet but I think we haven't had a unity between fans and manager since Moyes days.

I think if we stay up Moshiri would be foolish to risk upsetting Frank considering he will be held in very high esteem by the fanbase.

You see the last number of games we have played and just wonder if we had shown that urgency and passion then we wouldn't be anywhere near relegation. Lampard has come in and has had to instill that passion into them that benitez dissolved
What I’ve seen with Benitez and Lampard is much the same I thought about Koeman and Silva.

Koeman came in thinking he was above us and acted like it. Got given the power he wanted and ultimately made a shambles of the whole thing, then after the fact it was everyone else’s fault. Then Silva came in and generally instilled a good mentality around the squad and the squad absolutely played for him, he was just probably that slight bit inexperienced dealing with bigger players like that so it kinda fell away a bit, I still think Silva is a decent manager and while he deserved to be sacked here I think he could’ve turned something around perhaps although I feel like the language barrier at the time might’ve played a bit of an issue, like Emery found with Arsenal.

Benitez came in with exactly the same mentality as Koeman, Frank has come in exactly the same as Silva, the only difference is we don’t have half of the big egos as we did under Silva and Lampard has the benefit of not only working with those kind of big players at Chelsea, he also was one as a player.

I think if given the time Lampard will be able to do a good job here for us and unlike previous managers he’ll almost certainly leave us in a better state than he found us.
Benitez killed any spirit left in the club and Lampard is doing his best to salvage.

Apart from an entertaining debate, does anybody really, genuinely in their heart think Benitez was a good hire for Everton ?

I'm still confused by his appointment - a real 'cut off your nose to spite your face' moment.
Cant you put this in the benitez thread? If you must: no, i kind of had hopes for benitez to come good. It wasnt to be. Lets move on. I think Lampard atm is a better fit bcs he still needs to learn too. The step derby to chelsi was too big.
I like him he is still learning on the job in a battle to survive so it’s though seems to learned a few lessons tho. Like don’t start Jonjoe and get Mina in and Keane Out when possible. If we stay up I think he will be very good next season.
Interesting how Keane is now fourth choice centre back.
Interesting how Keane is now fourth choice centre back.
Yeah Keane has cost us a lot this season. If we stay up. I hope we boot him out in the summer. I think with out sounding harsh Lampard knows he’s a bit of a coward and not up for the fight.

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