Football Disillusionment

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I don't even celebrate goals anymore.
Me neither.
I just think, oh i'm going to be even more disapointed when we either a) mess this up and lose the game or b) throw away any sort of 'banker' a few weeks down the line after we have all raised our hopes
I don't even celebrate goals anymore.
I said on here a while back that following Everton is more of a habit than a passion nowadays.
I don’t think I could ever bin it off but wins don’t feel as good anymore and loses don’t hurt as much.
It’s the diving that infuriates me players rolling round like fannys. VAR stopping and starting the game, useless referees. For me bring back the days of the linesman getting a decision wrong, the ref awarding a daft penalty, it adds to the emotion and passion when you’re at the game.
Now we can even celebrate a goal without the thought of ‘hold on’ maybe something happened in the build up to the goal.
To be honest, I'm disillusioned with all the old farts who come from an era of racism and hooliganism moaning about all their problems with the modern game
Because we watched football in an era where racism and hooliganism was rife it doesn't make us all hooligans and racist.
Just enjoy the fact that you can go the game wearing your colours without the constant threat of getting a brick through your car or coach window
I’ve been supporting Everton for over 60 years, through great times, good times, not so good times and dismal times but I’m now getting really disillusioned with football in general and with Everton in particular. Covid lockdown hasn’t helped and has probably just brought this disillusionment into focus. However, after yesterday’s abysmal performance I sat and thought about the main causes of my discontent and these include some major issues and minor irritations (not necessarily Everton based) but I’m sure everyone can add to this list (including me!).

  • Ridiculous transfer fees: you could build 5-6 primary schools for the cost of one iwobi* (£28M)
  • Obscene levels of wages: You could employ 74 nurses for one Iwobi* annual salary (£2.6m)
  • VAR: where do I start?
  • Feigning injury: the obligatory scream of agony and the holding of the head, thigh, knee, shin, ankle after every hard (and not so hard) tackle. Mainly to disrupt the oppositions progress when you’ve just lost the ball!
  • Throw-Ins: players from both sides holding up their arms and yelling ‘our ball’ every time there’s a throw-in, even when it’s clearly obvious who the ball last touched.
  • Commentator’s terminology: ‘high press’ ‘low block’ ‘high line’ ‘tiki-taka’ ‘false number nine’ ‘box to box player’ ‘playing in the pocket’………..meaningless phrases that make me cringe every time I hear some half-wit commentator and his Stan Laurel side kick trying to appear ‘knowledgeable’.
* = or substitute any other expensive, overpaid, not very talented premier league player.

Of course if we beat Man City next Saturday all will be forgiven until next time!
It's not like they're spending public money, and they all do pay taxes on wages and transfers.
Football was changed by money years ago (1992) Everton can now compete to a certain point financially if we can get to the next level and actually win things i am pretty sure no one will complain about the money in the game
It's not a complaint from me, it is more realisation that a heroes salary is not going to heroes. My missus is in the NHS and has worked tirelessly for the last year, putting herself and her family on the front line. She contracted Covid in March 2020 from the 1st person officially diagnosed with Covid in her hospital. Did she roll around on the floor holding her face? Did she bollox! (sorry for the language). She toughed it out and went back to work to continue helping to save peoples lives. Was she rewarded handsomely for her bravery? Was she bollox, she was given a weekly public clap and told she was only worth a 1% pay rise. Flip across to football, we have players feigning injury, breaching all social distance guidance, giving substantially less than 100%.......You know what, typing this has made me realise it is actually a complaint! Modern day football is an absolute joke of the highest tier! I totally agree with the OP regarding the current state of the modern game.

Sorry to rant, it just got to me :(

You can even add Wigan to that list. But answer me this. Since 1995, would you rather be where we are now or swap that for an isolated cup win and be where Birmingham, Swansea, Portsmouth, Boro, Fulham and Wigan are now?
Does it have to be a straight choice? Sure after the chaos of the 90's, i appreciate the last 16 years of stability. But it would be nice to win a trophy, that's what this club used to do, before the sky sports/premier league era after all. I'd rather take where we are now, and have the trophy with it!
Those hurling guys are nuts. Saw it here at a pub one time downtown, and I don't think I've ever seen a game requiring that much skill and physicality. Lacrosse without pads.

It hasn't taken off elsewhere not because it isn't a great watch, but because you'd have to be insane to play it.

The fastest field game in the world, and helmets were only made compulsory in the 90s!! Many great players resisted wearing them until forced to!!
Those hurling guys are nuts. Saw it here at a pub one time downtown, and I don't think I've ever seen a game requiring that much skill and physicality. Lacrosse without pads.

It hasn't taken off elsewhere not because it isn't a great watch, but because you'd have to be insane to play it.
If you want to see something really insane then have a watch of the Calcio Storico. It's an Italian thing which is basically a cross between football, rugby and mma

Stopped properly caring about ten or so years back, losing doesn’t bother me that much anymore... I just chuckle and facepalm and that’s that whereas when I was in my 20s id get properly vex’d over a result like last nights.

This will probably change if we ever become good and I actually start developing expectations again.

American sports despite being gash have a much better model imo with wage caps etc, there is a much bigger effort to keep the leagues somewhat balanced. Football is the complete opposite, its all about pandering to the Mega clubs.
I used to be absolutely devastated when we got knocked out of the Cup.
I said on here a while back that following Everton is more of a habit than a passion nowadays.
I don’t think I could ever bin it off but wins don’t feel as good anymore and loses don’t hurt as much.
It’s the diving that infuriates me players rolling round like fannys. VAR stopping and starting the game, useless referees. For me bring back the days of the linesman getting a decision wrong, the ref awarding a daft penalty, it adds to the emotion and passion when you’re at the game.
Now we can even celebrate a goal without the thought of ‘hold on’ maybe something happened in the build up to the goal.
I put the disillusionment down to me not the footy. As a kid its easy to get obsessed about how good your team is. Good heavens I felt the same about 'the Allan Parsons Project' for a few months! As you get older things just dont get you as excited or passionate. We all need some Football Viagra. Kicking a tennis ball around on the street I 'was' Bally or Kendall, now we are all just sad old farts on the internet.

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