Football Disillusionment

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Another gripe of mine is connected to the wind blowing them over and then they roll about screaming .If there is no contact all over the rest of the pitch then why are they allowed to crawl all over each other in the penalty area ?(
Yes I know it is a hypophora )
It is because the big six started it .
Good word. I had to look that one up.
Good word. I had to look that one up.
Don't tell anyone but so did I .So don't ask me to pronounce it !

To be honest, I'm disillusioned with all the old farts who come from an era of racism and hooliganism moaning about all their problems with the modern game
I don't like how this post came out

What I meant to say was I don't like the way people pine for the old days when they had their own set of significant problems. We're talking about disillusionment with the game. The effect hooliganism had on the game was enormous. People were literally dying. Attendences suffered. Teams robbed of the chance to compete with the best... Cough

There's also some positive aspect to the modern game, as much as people might dislike it. Whatever your background or gender you can go the game and feel safe now. Wasn't always the case. My old fella had some nervous experiences on the safety point with the whole culture that was about then

And it's not just the problems with fans. There were whole laws introduced due to problems with the game. The back pass rule for example. (That teams like Liverpool abused no?) You were also allowed to assault players on the pitch. I don't like the play acting but I also think it's good we've moved beyond that era of 'hard men' who were allowed to kick the talented players. There were also plenty of dodgy chairman, footballers more concerned using their doe to get sloshed than they were playing, outright corruption. A lot of problems

The worst thing for me is we are considered a top half prem side, we've spent a lot of money and we are nowhere near being able to even give them a game. how on earth has competitive sport become so ridiculously bias.

FFP has hamstrung anyone trying to compete with City, they has a very unfair advantage, it needs challenging in court because it has caused an unlevel playing field and Chelsea and City just have an advantage that nobody else can take advantage of, the games broken.

One thing that used to separate this league from others was the competitiveness and not just one or two sides winning everything, well that has gone to dirt because we are the same as all the other leagues now, dominated by a few, all the money going to the few and the competitive gap getting bigger and bigger.

Where do we even go from here, we aren't allowed to spend the money it would take to breach the gap.
I don't like how this post came out

What I meant to say was I don't like the way people pine for the old days when they had their own set of significant problems. We're talking about disillusionment with the game. The effect hooliganism had on the game was enormous. People were literally dying. Attendences suffered. Teams robbed of the chance to compete with the best... Cough

There's also some positive aspect to the modern game, as much as people might dislike it. Whatever your background or gender you can go the game and feel safe now. Wasn't always the case. My old fella had some nervous experiences on the safety point with the whole culture that was about then

And it's not just the problems with fans. There were whole laws introduced due to problems with the game. The back pass rule for example. (That teams like Liverpool abused no?) You were also allowed to assault players on the pitch. I don't like the play acting but I also think it's good we've moved beyond that era of 'hard men' who were allowed to kick the talented players. There were also plenty of dodgy chairman, footballers more concerned using their doe to get sloshed than they were playing, outright corruption. A lot of problems
I agree. That's a much better post than the first one
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