Fellaini wants to leave Everton?

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To be fair, he will be here five years soon; he knows Everton will want to maximize his sale value; he's young and ambitious and knows he wont fulfill that with us.

Not much of a shock as shocks go, like.
For a club with our finances and ongoing failure to qualify for the CL, players wanting to leave is not a surprise really? If they can get the same money or more elsewhere and CL football, then a move will be a no brainer for some of them.

As much as I hate to say it, I understand it when these guys say they want to leave (which it seems he has, if the newspaper quote is accurate). I don't like it when they do it, but I understand it.

Look at the calibre of players the likes of City, United, Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs are regularly able to bring in. With the greatest of respect to our lads, we are not able to go shopping in Harrods. We punch above our weight quite often, and I love our lads for it.

I hope Fellaini stays with us his whole career, but while he carries on with regular dominating displays, of course other teams will covet him, and the longer we go without CL or even Europa involvement, the more he will want away.
The only way to keep him long-term is to qualify for the Champions League.

Can't remember how many years he has left on his current deal, but if we sold him with two years left to run for around £40m I'd be ok with it. On current form you'd have to think that PSG, Real and Barca might all be interested - just don't let him go to another team in the prem.

bizarely this doesn't appear anywhere else - if there was even a whiff of truth in this it would be all over twitter and t'interwebz.

File under jarg
It really doesn't seem like something he'd come out and say, I can't think of many players that would.

IF we were to sell him I'd only be happy selling abroad, seeing him play for another PL team would be heartbreaking.

Understand his comment but .....why now? All the talk from within camp has been about their belief they can make champions league this season. why not say it come February if we are heading for another average, just of Europe positions? It Will be a blow to a highly motivated team. pissed off with him if true. Keep your thoughts to yourself until an appropriate time. i.e transfer window.
Surprised we survived this transfer window with him still here.

Foreign players are miles better than what we produce here but the mere fact they leave their own country tells you they're both ambitious and mercenary.

Hopefully the transference of our feeder club allegiance from utd to City will bring the big bucks when he goes.

Such are the "positives" of indulging the Kenwright regime - makes me puke.

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