Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 106 7.8%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,258 92.2%

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As far as I'm concerned, the decline of Everton F.C. began at least with the death of Moores. No one who sat on the board prior to and after his death seems to have had any idea or plan how to continue afterwards. I include the much lauded Philip Carter in this, despite being the prime mover in setting up the PL, we failed to capitalise on the 'new era', thanks Phil . As a fan I am also complicit in this, until the appointment of some no-mark Docter with little interest in football, as our chairman I payed scant interest to the goings on at board level, more fool me.
It's a long way back from where we are to the position we once occupied , at present it doesn't feel like we've taken the first steps but I remain optimistic .
Let start by saying that I agree fully with your first paragraph re the 1980's team and Peter Johnson, followed by Kenwright and Moyes. But am I understanding you correctly - you think Koeman is a worse manager than Martinez?

As for the summer transfer window... Stek, Williams and Gana are all upgrades on the players they have replaced. Bolasie arguably is too, even if his fee was uncomfortably high. Are they good enough to be long-term starters for us? Probably not, but the harm done by Martinez was never going to be undone in one window. Just as Martinez cannot take all the credit for his first season (much of what that team did well was down to Moyes), Koeman cannot take all the blame for this season. Much of what is currently wrong is down to Martinez, and unless we drop £200m in one window, it's going to take a while to cure. The fact remains, we are doing better than we were this time last year.

Sorry mate, going to be pedantic here, but after 15 games last season we had 23 pts, scored 27, conceded 20, we actually only lost 3 of our first 15 games (Man City, Man U and Arsenal) 9th place.

This season after 15 games we have 20 pts, scored 19, conceded 19, and lost 5 of those 15 games (Burnley, Bournemouth, Watford, Southampton and Chelsea) 9th place. the only thing this season that is better after 15 games is goals conceded, and that is only by 1 goal.
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Unbelievable rewriting of history
There was a rapid decline in the 1990s which probably had it's roots in the break-up of the successful 1980s team. This decline was exacerbated by the farce that was Peter Johnson's ownership and was only arrested by the intervention of Bill Kenwright and the eventual appointment of David Moyes as manager. For twelve or thirteen years we had stability which we hadn't had for the previous twelve to fifteen years. We also had reasonable results on the pitch without ever breaking the stranglehold of the big four (later joined by Man City). The Martinez appointment looked inspired but turned sour very quickly in his second and third seasons. Then along came Moshiri, who to date, with Ronald Koeman's assistance, has managed a more rapid decline in Everton's status than any of us thought possible.
He has promised the earth and delivered an inept manager with no sign of any new investment and the usual pie in the sky promises about a new stadium trying to mask an appallingly managed summer transfer window where we gained three journeymen, a promising midfielder and a South American failure.
Good start Mr Moshiri.
How dare you sir!
How dare you question the skilfully crafted Kenwright is the devil, Moshiri the saviour narrative with a reasoned argument.
For me Kenwright, who perhaps got lucky with Moyes, helped reverse the club's relegation bound trajectory. Martinez was the mistake that damaged that.
Early days for Moshiri who deserves more time but he well have made his own big mistake with the expensive acquisition of, and 3 year contract for, RK.
So, ever since DK was first mooted we have had a split fanbase, Kenwright's living legacy. He lost, he gambled and lost, badly.

The B.U. don't speak for me either, they are a collective of likeminded Evertonians that decided to do something, anything at all, to kick the stupor from the club, a hell of a lot more than most Evertonians, which I would expect includes you?

And you call them scumbags? You're living Bill's dream for him, well done you. Calling Evertonians scumbags.... genius stuff.

I couldn't give a toss if they are Evertonians. They can still be scumbags. Its a dangerous game to give people a free pass just because of whatever football team they support.

Now to be fair I am only judging on the more vocal members of the group as thats all I can base it off, and I stand by my original opinion on them.

I am allowed to do that...

It does matter. You appear to be having an open dig at Evertonians.

could you explain?

I'm not. The BU are not the only Everton fans out there. Although seemingly that's what they want you to believe.

I couldn't give a toss who they support. I strongly dislike how they go about things.

Besides, they have open digs at an Evertonian all the time don't they?
Aw come on now mate, these are the best owners a fanbase could ever dream of. They've been here nearly 20 years and haven't even sank us into oblivion yet. Just look at huge clubs like Pompey. That could have been our plucky little Everton yenno.


Never once said they were the best owners.

They are certainly not the worst though either.
I couldn't give a toss if they are Evertonians. They can still be scumbags. Its a dangerous game to give people a free pass just because of whatever football team they support.

Now to be fair I am only judging on the more vocal members of the group as thats all I can base it off, and I stand by my original opinion on them.

I am allowed to do that...

Of course you're allowed to do that, and be part of the problem.
Kenwright is dangerous (in the sense that his word can't be trusted) - he plays dumb but his investment has grown (ok, he got lucky, borrowed to stay in the game, PL income grew) - he didn't take an income (AFAIK) but his income is the sale to Moshiri - the latest to "benefit" from the PL growth.

The problem is that we need to challenge to maintain our status. We are NOT - repeat NOT very far off being as bad as Newcastle and Villa, both disasters waiting to happen. The only things keeping us out of the bottom six is the moderate quality gap between us and those sides. There are other, apparently half-decent sides (Leicester, West Ham) presently sucked into that vortex. And yes, Moshiri likes Kenwright - he's the guy who just handed him a half-price golden egg. And Elstone is paid to do a few ok-ish things like get a new deal with SH-K-ITBAG or Bet Nairobi (replacing that hideous Chang - Thai-me-down and force it down my throat - beer)..

So, as far as the Everton Golf Club board is concerned it's still in the English Premier League for Golf Clubs - they can have a lovely round on Southampton, Stoke, Hull and all the best courses in London... and carry on enjoying themselves 40 odd times a year with free travel, hotel and other perks.. and now it consists of some dubious characters like that Orville bloke who did sod all squared for EGC but is a good mate of BK.

Kenwright is dangerous (in the sense that his word can't be trusted) - he plays dumb but his investment has grown (ok, he got lucky, borrowed to stay in the game, PL income grew) - he didn't take an income (AFAIK) but his income is the sale to Moshiri - the latest to "benefit" from the PL growth.

The problem is that we need to challenge to maintain our status. We are NOT - repeat NOT very far off being as bad as Newcastle and Villa, both disasters waiting to happen. The only things keeping us out of the bottom six is the moderate quality gap between us and those sides. There are other, apparently half-decent sides (Leicester, West Ham) presently sucked into that vortex. And yes, Moshiri likes Kenwright - he's the guy who just handed him a half-price golden egg. And Elstone is paid to do a few ok-ish things like get a new deal with SH-K-ITBAG or Bet Nairobi (replacing that hideous Chang - Thai-me-down and force it down my throat - beer)..

So, as far as the Everton Golf Club board is concerned it's still in the English Premier League for Golf Clubs - they can have a lovely round on Southampton, Stoke, Hull and all the best courses in London... and carry on enjoying themselves 40 odd times a year with free travel, hotel and other perks.. and now it consists of some dubious characters like that Orville bloke who did sod all squared for EGC but is a good mate of BK.
Amazingly, I find myself agreeing with most of the points you make, although I still believe that Bill was the right man at the right time to rescue us from almost certain relegation in the late nineties and assist in our transformation into a top seven club.
In the last ten years or so we have suffered from not having a billionaire owner, an insignificant fanbase outside the UK; an old ground in an area where land is close to worthless and not being based in London.
Now we have Moshiri. I still don't know whether he's a saviour or an impostor, because to date I don't believe he has done anything to improve the club. Incidentally, he may have made me a few quid by increasing the value of my shares but I'd rather see him spend some money to benefit Everton FC.
Sorry mate, going to be pedantic here, but after 15 games last season we had 23 pts, scored 27, conceded 20, we actually only lost 3 of our first 15 games (Man City, Man U and Arsenal) 9th place.

This season after 15 games we have 20 pts, scored 19, conceded 19, and lost 5 of those 15 games (Burnley, Bournemouth, Watford, Southampton and Chelsea) 9th place. the only thing this season that is better after 15 games is goals conceded, and that is only by 1 goal.
Actually, there is another thing that is better: the man who got us into this mess has gone. It took Martinez two seasons to drag us down to the depths we are in now, I suspect it will take Koeman more than 15 games to set us back on the right track.

We have a better keeper now than we did this time last year (I fully accept we still need an upgrade);
We have a better CB than we did last year (Williams is the best CB at the club, and is an upgrade on Stones);
We have a better CM than we did last year (Gana is widely seen as the best player in the squad).

In four weeks we could be looking at three or four new faces in the starting lineup, and Koeman has shown me so far that he can find quality in the transfer market. The question marks over this coaching and tactics so far are issue that may just as easily be down to the players being poor quality / getting too old / no caring.

I'd be wary of judging the manager until he's had the time to bring in several of his players.... we didn't know Martinez was bobbins for certain until the end of his second season.
