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I think much of the discontent was the timing of that substitution, when it was clear how poor Maupay was and needed hooking after 5 minutes.

Maybe Ramadan has affected players more than we realise, but leaving on Maupay was intolerable to most in the ground.
Ramadan didn't seem to affect Fulham players.
It's not so much if we shouted more, but if we booed less and shouted abuse less it might help.
We’re crap when the fans cheer. We’re crap when they boo. We’re crap when they literally aren’t allowed in the stadium.

Our continued crapness makes the cheering fans boo, and the booing fans boo louder.

You may see an extraordinary atmosphere occasionally, seemingly directly influence a result which in turn influences a season’s outcome, but by and large teams will finish where they deserve to after a 38-game season.

We’re going down. At least leave us alone to boo in peace while we do. If you want to grab your violin and Titanic it up then have at it, Sir.

What a load of crap if Everton are dead going into the championship you’re not the fan you’re claiming to be hardly do or die is it happens every year 3 teams go down nothing to do with the fans how about the 11 players on the pitch put in a performance to get us up for it instead of being absolute crap I’m quite happy for people to boo them it’s about time they realised how crap they are and how privileged a position they’re in no doubt we have fans who travel home and away and leave themselves short by doing so.

ha ha jesus lad. they’re is far bigger picture if we go on ALL aspects

so it’s not just a case of going down and coming back in EVERTONS STATE
We’re crap when the fans cheer. We’re crap when they boo. We’re crap when they literally aren’t allowed in the stadium.

Our continued crapness makes the cheering fans boo, and the booing fans boo louder.

You may see an extraordinary atmosphere occasionally, seemingly directly influence a result which in turn influences a season’s outcome, but by and large teams will finish where they deserve to after a 38-game season.

We’re going down. At least leave us alone to boo in peace while we do. If you want to grab your violin and Titanic it up then have at it, Sir.

lol lol
Is it ok if I boo if we go down? Just for a few seconds after (or before) I start crying? Please tell me, a grown man, how to behave

ha ha jesus lad. they’re is far bigger picture if we go on ALL aspects

so it’s not just a case of going down and coming back in EVERTONS STATE
I know if we go down financially it will cripple us plus any points fine whatever’s coming our way won’t help we will have to get rid of most the squad and potential of Everton going under I’m well aware of all that but it’s not the end of the world is it some of our weekends might be spent much happier and spending more time with family instead of wasting a day travelling to one end of the country to get pumped and sent home with our tail between our legs who knows might even be able to put 5 straight wins together that would be fun wouldn’t it 😁.

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