"Everton that......"

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I can think of a Liverpool one....

Gerrard let’s no let this SLIP now lads

1 week later.....hahaha

Burnley under Dyche had never come from behind to win until yesterday, the epitome of "Everton that". Is "Everton that" a myth or based in reality?. Do other teams suffer the same only we don't take interest?.

I truly hate folk saying "Everton that", "typical Everton" It is not Everton let's be clear. It is Allardyce, before him Koeman get it straight!!!!!!!
The more this stupid phrase is accepted the more this club will still be on the slide....let's have another slogan shall we? EFC....crap since 1989

There is some truth in the phrase: If you truly believe you are a winner, you win, (irrespective of talent or lack thereof).

Having a winning mentality goes a long way to achieving success. It must border on arrogance, but still remain humble enough to learn from mistakes.

A losing mentality will, obviously, lead to defeat. You expect to lose, fate had already decided for you. You blame everything on some kind of jinx. No matter what you do, you just know. No point learning from errors, as you will just make new ones next time.

So, when the inevitable happens, you can say "Everton that".

People will still go to the game, but any hope they may have is burdened with that nagging, "Everton that" doubt.

We will never be successful until we get rid of it. Everton needs some kind of metophrical exorcist. Like, for example, the appointment of a successful manager. Oh, but then, are the board not also infected with that same "Everton that" sickness? Are they going to appoint another uninspiring champion of mediocrity , or will they try and break this curse and actually bring in a successful winner?

Everton desperately needs players and staff driven by a winning mentality, if we are ever to banish this stupid "Everton that" demon.
Theres an element of Everton that at every club, but normally it happens , you see it on MOTD and then you forget. You remember the Everton ones loads more.

I will never ever ever forget the sight of Jon Stead lining up that strike at the park end. Proper Everton, that.

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