Everton Summer Transfer Thread - 2022

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The club is broken at the moment. The simple fact is it needs a new direction with new people at the top. My worry is not Moshiri as he seemingly wants out (he can't realistically fund us for much longer than a season before it starts seriously digging into his personal finances in a major way) It's Kenwright, you just know he will fight tooth and nail and refuse to sell his 1.2% so he can hold on to his beloved chairmans seat.

He was reported to be worth 1.3 billion when he took us over mate, hes reported to be worth 2.4 now. Hes almost doubled his personal wealth in that time, if the media are to be believed, they quite often report lower actual figures then someones actual wealth. Im not saying hes going to bank roll us forever and that he wouldn't look at a sale if it suited him or even continue to underwrite our losers, while we all know what his wealth is linked to in terms of business interest. But i dont see it reported that much that hes actually doubled his personal fortune since being here, from a personal wealth point of view hes doing more than alright, despite us.
Going through the squad - players we have who are well capable at this level.

Pickford, Tarkowski, Mina*, Mykolenko, Dacoure, Dele*, Gordon, DCL*.

Players who are good enough squad players at this level.
Begovic, Keane, Holgate, Godfrey, Gray, Allan. Iwobi

Players not good enough.
Coleman, Gomes, Davies, Gbamin, Townsend, Rondon

No idea if they are yet.

Young lads we have.
Braithwaite, Simms, Dobbin.

The * means there's a doubt about them due to injury history or in Deles due to his form being poor for a few seasons before coming here, and Patterson because we simply have t seen enough to judge.

Ideally you'd want 13-15 players in that top group meaning you had very little drop off in case of injury with the rest of the squad being in that second group with most of them being either younger players who can develop to join that top list or players who where there but due to age have dropped in quality but still cover a need and bring experience or options to the squad.

And wages should kind of reflect the role each plays in importance to the team.

That second group of ours includes pretty much most if the highest earners at the club and pretty much no players who have a chance to develop to veing good enough.

Shows the mammoth task ahead

Maybe on how he reads the game, heads the ball. In Oz a slab has been known for a concrete base that you build your house on or a carton of beer. Why are you asking?
His nickname is slabhead because he has a massive head and is/was good in the air. It’s certainly not evidence as to him being useless (which he definitely has been recently)

His nickname is slabhead because he has a massive head and is/was good in the air. It’s certainly not evidence as to him being useless (which he definitely has been recently)
Yeah Vardy used to call him slabhead on Twitter because he has a head like a concrete slab. Was all ‘lad banter’ with no bigger meaning than he has a big head.
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