Everton players you've had an inexplicable hatred of

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Okay, Duncan McKenzie


He'd long retired before I was born but he was once at another table in a restraunt when I was eating out with my parents as a child. Came across as a bit of a bell. That's not inexplicable in itself, but I've since decided to retroactively hate him as a player and to wish when he jumped over a mini that one time someone forgot to put the handbrake on and it ran over the tip of his penis.
Mods, are we making any progress on the dislike button? I don't like negging.
Another one - Mikael Madar, but it's entirely erm...explicable? Yeah, that's a word.

That miss... you all know the one.

And Nuno Valente. It's not inexplicable though, its for lying down (literally lying down) like a complete wimp vs Dinamo.
Tony Cottee defo. When he signed and scored a hat-trick on his debut I thought wed signed a gem but for the next few years we had the midget forward line of mark ward, tony cottee, Bob the pole and Beardsley. All in the mid 5 foot range and were bullied by defenders every game. The only player I liked was Beardsley who defenders couldn't get near enough to bully.

Vinnie Samways - the 'new Gazza' - ran like a tart in a tight dress

Earl Barrett - I used to go red with rage as soon as I heard his name read out, knocked about 3 years off my life that useless blert

Davie Weir - in his later years turned slower than The Queen Mary and his name on the teamsheet meant that we'd be holding our line on the edge of our won box for 80 minutes. Hearing his name usually ensured an afternoon of frustration.
No way! I've got far more respect for him than many other former players. Lad knew he didn't deserve a contract at EFC and went off to rebuild his career, and appears to have done so. He gets a thumbs-up from the Cowboy.
So you're saying that it's inexplicable?
No way! I've got far more respect for him than many other former players. Lad knew he didn't deserve a contract at EFC and went off to rebuild his career, and appears to have done so. He gets a thumbs-up from the Cowboy.
Off the field he was a proper wrongun for the majority of his time with us, and afterwards hes a bad bitter

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