Everton gaining cred in Korea

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Player Valuation: £50m
we all know the top four will overthrow the worlds top governments if given half a chance.. especially with their fanatical support worldwide.

republic of korea read republic of manchester..

but nothing quite gets the attention of winning 7-1. the buzz round here is all everton especially as man utd lost to bolton. my students have been talking all week about it and the tv sports channels opened with the goals from the match.

grinding out 1-0 wins under moyes did nothing to raise our profile abroad. but this winning 7-1 lark... it sure captures the imagination of young and old alike. another performance like that in the league and we will have quite the cult asian following.
I'm sure it will, in fact winning 7-1 should turn a few heads closer to home too.

By the way, welcome back teppic, where've ya been, you aint been on in a while?
Look who's back !!!

I knew you wouldn't fail me Teppic. Everyone was asking, "Where's Teppic been?" but I told 'em "He'll show up, just be patient."

That was last week so great timing. ;)
cheers lads!! this place needs the korean perspective! i'm actually back in the uk for a couple of weeks in the new year so i'm going to catch the man city game at goodison. a match every 2 years... they better win. :)
I am glad that the profile of our dear family/club is gaining a worldwide appeal. Long may it continue and flourish. It is time for the world to learn the Toffee way. The true path of the chosen few.

Thats funny cos my ex chinese girlfriend mentioned the same thing... everyone loves a good thrashing.

Anio has e yo.


Kam sam ni da
Hold on Teppic last time you went to a game what was the result?:dodgy:

ha! you have got me there. let's see. i was at the everton-shrewsbury debacle in the home end. you have no idea how many strings i had to pull for those tickets...

then the radzinski v southampton last minute winner...

more recently in a competitive game... the thing is i'm always home during the summer so i get loads of pre-season action in. and we all know that is like sucking a lolly pop with the wrapper still on!

it's been too long let's put it like that. but i know if any game is a nailed on win it's the city match! how could the boys let me down after i travel home for 6000 miles for the match?!?:D
Man City in case you have not noticed are doing pretty well so far this season. Not exactly a pushover since Ericsonn took over.

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