"Everton" free school

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Loving this thread. I always enjoy a good stoush between the Chardonnay sipping Socialists & the true believers...:lol:
I hope this is the first step toward a political excuse for the swallowing up of the Gwladys Street School that the council have/have wanted to close and gift/sell to our club.
Perhaps the long term future is in the Bullens becoming the new main stand..
Free Schools are a sh*t idea.

Coming soon, hospitals run by amateur enthusiasts. Sign up! Sign up!

More likely to be akin to hospitals being run by professionals that just happen to not be the government. Bit like these guys


I mean seriously, do you think that Everton (in this instance) won't employ anyone with any experience of working in a school? The 'headmaster' of the Everton school will be Duncan Ferguson or someone? :lol:
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I love the idea of 'Free schools', for no other reason than it pi55es off Davek and the rest of the whining lefties.

Good debate on Toffeeweb about this-


Thanks for the link. The first feller nailed it:

Free schools are a flagship Tory policy. They are designed to privatise education by the back door, reducing teachers' pay and conditions. The Tories will bribe those making bids for free schools. This is public money being given to private organisations. Why is our club dealing with such a vicious government? These people hate our city with a vengeance (remember the European ban, anyone?).For a club in such a poor area, with a fan base largely against the Tories, why are we having dealings with them?
Enough is enough for me. What a disgrace our club has become.


Thanks for the link. The first feller nailed it:

Free schools are a flagship Tory policy. They are designed to privatise education by the back door, reducing teachers' pay and conditions. The Tories will bribe those making bids for free schools. This is public money being given to private organisations. Why is our club dealing with such a vicious government? These people hate our city with a vengeance (remember the European ban, anyone?).For a club in such a poor area, with a fan base largely against the Tories, why are we having dealings with them?
Enough is enough for me. What a disgrace our club has become.

No probs mate. Read on though, it gets mighty heated.
Thanks for the link. The first feller nailed it:

Free schools are a flagship Tory policy. They are designed to privatise education by the back door, reducing teachers' pay and conditions. The Tories will bribe those making bids for free schools. This is public money being given to private organisations. Why is our club dealing with such a vicious government? These people hate our city with a vengeance (remember the European ban, anyone?).For a club in such a poor area, with a fan base largely against the Tories, why are we having dealings with them?
Enough is enough for me. What a disgrace our club has become.

Well, if the feeling is that the situation is to bring about privatising the education system and that private organisations will use it as a means to rinse taxpayers, then surely we are all for Everton getting in on the act and sweeping up as much cash as possible for the sake of the club. Gift horse in the mouth and all that.
Just read that whole link to TW:
I was amazed to learn there's a few Tories amongst our support...mostly the ones who frigged off abroad, which is comical.

I'd rather give the time of day to a Kopite than a Tory Evertonian...which will give you some idea how bad the latter are.
More likely to be akin to hospitals being run by professionals that just happen to not be the government. Bit like these guys


I mean seriously, do you think that Everton (in this instance) won't employ anyone with any experience of working in a school? The 'headmaster' of the Everton school will be Duncan Ferguson or someone? :lol:

I call bullsh*t.

Right wing think-tank boll*cks, the lot of it. You think "the government" run schools and hospitals? Ha!

It's just another scam to divert public money into rich people's pockets, isn't it. **** all to do with improving educational standards. Same old Tory game as it's ever been.
It's just another scam to divert public money into rich people's pockets, isn't it. **** all to do with improving educational standards. Same old Tory game as it's ever been.

Leopard cant change its spots mate.

It's just a shame the scumbags running EFC are holding their hand out for Tory coin.
I honestly cant believe this thread has gone tory v labour!They are exactly the same, whoever is on the left of the house shouts "the sky is blue!" the right side jeer him and shout "no its red" biggest gang of freeloading wasters ever. and you think any of them are different? Grow upI dont particularly care where the money comes from if it improves education. I see loads of school leavers every year joining the RN and apart from the odd exception they can tell you the inside dimensions of a baked bean tin but give them a tin opener and they are fecked. There was an earlier post that nailed it for me, the current system teaches kids to pass exams, it doesnt teach them anything remotely useful for day to day. you take away computers and ask a teenager to do some basic Math - comedy in confusion. it winds me right up that school leavers expect the country to hand them a job that pays well and doesnt involve very much work, dont even get me started on university students ffs.
I honestly cant believe this thread has gone tory v labour!They are exactly the same, whoever is on the left of the house shouts "the sky is blue!" the right side jeer him and shout "no its red" biggest gang of freeloading wasters ever. and you think any of them are different? Grow upI dont particularly care where the money comes from if it improves education. I see loads of school leavers every year joining the RN and apart from the odd exception they can tell you the inside dimensions of a baked bean tin but give them a tin opener and they are fecked. There was an earlier post that nailed it for me, the current system teaches kids to pass exams, it doesnt teach them anything remotely useful for day to day. you take away computers and ask a teenager to do some basic Math - comedy in confusion. it winds me right up that school leavers expect the country to hand them a job that pays well and doesnt involve very much work, dont even get me started on university students ffs.

What about UKIP mate?

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