Everton fan banned from Goodison for racially abusing Ric Wee on Twitter

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I still find it incredible that he feels hard done to and is kicking up a fuss.

Does he not remember the people who got jailed for making similar racist comments on Twitter?

He really should just be keeping his head down, because not only is he making a show of himself and the club, he's leaving himself wide open to someone reporting him to the police. Whether you think it's right or not that abusive tweeters get jailed, the fact is - they do. He's a complete idiot for kicking up a fuss and I severely doubt he'll get any sort of sympathetic press. Quite the contrary in fact.
Goodison is private property but they if Everton were allowed to ban people from entering Goodison Park due to racist comments made outside of Goodison Park why don't we ban Suarez from entering Goodison in the next home derby. It's like a lot of these bans, if the fan in question protests then usually they get their season ticket back. We all agree this guy is an unpleasant character but it seems to me that there are too many inconsistencies when it comes to using offensive language at football matches.
Goodison is private property but they if Everton were allowed to ban people from entering Goodison Park due to racist comments made outside of Goodison Park why don't we ban Suarez from entering Goodison in the next home derby. It's like a lot of these bans, if the fan in question protests then usually they get their season ticket back. We all agree this guy is an unpleasant character but it seems to me that there are too many inconsistencies when it comes to using offensive language at football matches.

There's no way this lad will get his ticket back, simply because he breached the confidentiality of the letter by putting it on Twitter and slating the club. It actually says in bold letter font 'Strictly Confidential - Not for Publication'. The guy is a total idiot in many different ways.

The club can't ban everyone but they can do their best to keep unpleasant numpties out of the ground. If you write something racist and are stupid enough to actually tag Everton's twitter account into the tweet itself, you get what you deserve.
Never seen this happen before. I think the club have done the right thing - well done to Everton for taking a stand! Too much of this goes on these days. Just shows you that anything you put on Twitter can be traced these days and have wide ranging repercussions for you.

From the @WhereAreYaEFC twitter account (EDIT: he's now changed his account name to @GwladysStreet2):


There is an element who will target people who are 'high profile' due to association with the club.

Just because they're associated with it.

Have never seen Ric Wee say or do anything that deserves condemnation. Let alone abuse.
Goodison is private property but they if Everton were allowed to ban people from entering Goodison Park due to racist comments made outside of Goodison Park why don't we ban Suarez from entering Goodison in the next home derby. It's like a lot of these bans, if the fan in question protests then usually they get their season ticket back. We all agree this guy is an unpleasant character but it seems to me that there are too many inconsistencies when it comes to using offensive language at football matches.

Everton can ban people who they believe based on evidence may commit an offence inside the ground.

They have published ground regulations. That state terms and conditions of entry


11. The use of threatening behaviour, foul or abusive language is strictly forbidden and will result in arrest and/or ejection from the stadium. The Club may impose a ban for one or more matches.

12. Racial, homophobic or discriminatory abuse, chanting or harassment is strictly forbidden and will result in arrest and/or ejection from the stadium. Any person receiving an Official Caution or found guilty in a Court of Law of an offence involving racist behaviour or abuse against any spectator, official or player will be banned from all future football matches at Goodison Park.

14. The following are offences under the Football (Offences) Act 1991, as amended by the Football (Offences and Disorder) Act 1999

• the throwing of any object within the ground without lawful authority or excuse
• the chanting of anything of an indecent or racist nature
• the use of threatening behaviour, foul or abusive language
• the entry onto the playing area or any adjacent area to which spectators are not generally admitted without lawful authority or excuse

15. a. Any person who is convicted of a criminal offence and the Police Force in the relevant area advise the Club that this was committed whilst on the way to or returning from a match involving Everton Football Club, the Board reserve the right to consider the facts of such a conviction and if thought appropriate, may ban that person from all future matches played at Goodison Park.

b. Everton Football Club may consider a “Club Ban” on any person convicted or receiving a formal caution for a football related offence whereby this is likely to detract from the good name of the Football Club.This applies irrespective of the issue of a Domestic Banning Order. The Club may also consider a “Club Ban” in respect of any person ejected from Goodison Park. In every instance a “Club Ban” will be imposed on any person convicted or receiving a formal caution for an offence of a racist nature or ejected from Goodison Park for such behaviour. Everton Football Club will determine the length of any Club Ban.

The problem is that there are many unpleasant people who support Everton just like any other club. His ban will be overturned because I'm not sure they can ban him from games unless he has said something at an Everton game. It's exactly why the FA can't punish supporters for singing racist songs outside of grounds. It would be far better just to name and shame him on the Everton website and tell everybody where he sits. Then if he makes any comments at the game they can ban him and get him arrested. There's probably people with criminal convictions who have season tickets at Goodison, you could end up sitting next to somebody who's been convicted for beating up his wife.

Its in writing. The logs of the offence are stored on twitters server even if he deletes them.

If a compliant (by anyone who reads it) is made to the police about the racist abuse the police can get a court order to turn over the logs of the racist abuse from twitter.

Everton have more than adequate evidence and no court in the land would side with this abuser. Or over turn a ban. If he challenges it he'd lose and he'd be made to pay costs.

No solicitor would touch him or it unless he's paying knowing he'll lose.

This type think they're really clever posting racist abuse. When in reality they are far from clever.
As I pointed out to someone defending him on Twitter....
We are thought of in a high regard in South East Asia (our mid 80's team coinciding with a lot of them starting to watch English footy on tele) and if something like the South China Post or 1 of the other papers that serves the whole region & has a circulation similar to the population of Europe has decided to run this abuse originally then thats a lot of folk looking at us in a bad light.... including of course our Main Sponsor. Can't see how the club could do anything other than what they have done, be it either before or after it breaks over there, we can't tout ourselves as a club of the people and then not act on such things.

Your points are all true but aren't they secondary concerns? "The club would look bad if it didn't act, think of our brand image in Asia, think of our commercial interests and the main sponsor. Therefore our hand is forced and we have to act".
This stuff must come a distant second behind "racism belongs in football's past in this country, and the only way to keep it there is to call it when you see it, then adopt zero tolerance".
It's a moral issue (showing clearly that this stuff is not acceptable at our football club) before it is a business, commercial or brand PR decision right?
Also just scoff at this character fancying themselves some sort of cyber activist, defending our free speech rights to abuse fellow blues for their ethnicity.
Your points are all true but aren't they secondary concerns? "The club would look bad if it didn't act, think of our brand image in Asia, think of our commercial interests and the main sponsor. Therefore our hand is forced and we have to act".
This stuff must come a distant second behind "racism belongs in football's past in this country, and the only way to keep it there is to call it when you see it, then adopt zero tolerance".
It's a moral issue (showing clearly that this stuff is not acceptable at our football club) before it is a business, commercial or brand PR decision right?

Maybe not unfortunately. The club haven't banned people who've posted disgusting pictures/jokes about Madeline McCann, for example.
Maybe not unfortunately. The club haven't banned people who've posted disgusting pictures/jokes about Madeline McCann, for example.

Now that is mad. I understand some things can't be said, but I think comedy/jokes should be free from censorship. If all someone is trying to do is make people laugh, how can it be offensive?

I've actually seen mates FUMING about scouse jokes. I normally just laugh even more when that happens.

EDIT: OOPS misread your post.

Your points are all true but aren't they secondary concerns? "The club would look bad if it didn't act, think of our brand image in Asia, think of our commercial interests and the main sponsor. Therefore our hand is forced and we have to act".
This stuff must come a distant second behind "racism belongs in football's past in this country, and the only way to keep it there is to call it when you see it, then adopt zero tolerance".
It's a moral issue (showing clearly that this stuff is not acceptable at our football club) before it is a business, commercial or brand PR decision right?

Racism is a crime. The club can't be associating itself actively or passively with criminal behaviour.

Its only two weeks since they celebrated the D-Day landings. Our forefathers faught the Nazis who were bad racists. Racism should be challenged by EFC at every opportunity
Maybe not unfortunately. The club haven't banned people who've posted disgusting pictures/jokes about Madeline McCann, for example.

While incredibly grim surely there is a difference.
Football did have an issue in it's recent past with racial abuse being disgustingly common in football grounds. Due to the efforts of different groups working in concert now you will never see bananas being thrown at black players or hear monkey chants, as is still common abroad. Vigilance, zero tolerance and fans self-policing helps keep it this way.
While in horrible taste, football has not had a historic problem with people making sick jokes about missing children.
The fact that this thread has gone 8 pages and it's nothing like the hour this morning on Twitter with the idiot garnering support restores my faith in blues.
The lad is a tit, he prides himself on the fact that he's blokced by numerous famous people just becuase he tweets them vile abuse.

I was actually really surprised by the amount of people sticking up for him. Most of them kopites coincidentally.

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