Everton branding

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Since you asked, mate, I think stuff like this way over the top, nauseating and patronising.

It’s a heap of overly deep guff and any executive that signs off on this should be sent back to the shop floor to refind themselves.

This bit in particular finished me clean off.

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I've worked with a lot of branding agencies in my time and it's always the same cringey retrofitted write up for the sake of a few bores in suits to sign off, when all they really want to say is "cos we thought it looks good".
Something like this but with wings on each side would be sound
Unfortunately Chico in the way the worlds gone meaningless bollocks like this and the pursuit of creating something that fits meaningless bollocks like this has loads of money in it.

I don’t get it because myself and everybody who I know would look at stuff like this and for another example those equally guff “values” all companies come up with and think “what a load of tripe” but clearly it suckers folk in and earns the monies otherwise they wouldn’t keep coming up with it.

TL;DR I hate the modern world.
It's not a modern thing, it's been going on for ages, it's just easier to see the inner workings now.

As someone who works in marketing I can happily say it's all tat. I'm getting out of the game as I am sick of lying!

Management speak at ots most repulsive. Sling together a set number of ‘positive’ and ‘aspirational’ words, the order almost doesn’t matter so long as it looks as though someone very clever has put it together.

I quite like the use of the tower logo up the sleeves and down the trousers, shorts etc. I also like using the tower in the centre of the letter O in a players name etc. that is inventive and cool. All that blurb makes it sound like they are insincere and they can GTF if they think they can do away with our badge on the front of the shirt :/
It's not a modern thing, it's been going on for ages, it's just easier to see the inner workings now.

As someone who works in marketing I can happily say it's all tat. I'm getting out of the game as I am sick of lying!
I’d say it’s got worse or more nauseating these days. Cigarette brands or say old school Volkswagen and something close to my own heart, camera marketing although all lies much the same as today was at least…quite good.

In my humble opinion of course
Management speak at ots most repulsive. Sling together a set number of ‘positive’ and ‘aspirational’ words, the order almost doesn’t matter so long as it looks as though someone very clever has put it together.

I quite like the use of the tower logo up the sleeves and down the trousers, shorts etc. I also like using the tower in the centre of the letter O in a players name etc. that is inventive and cool. All that blurb makes it sound like they are insincere and they can GTF if they think they can do away with our badge on the front of the shirt :/

I don’t think they are getting rid of the badge mate. To be fair it’s on the home kit and the Barbie pyjamas second kit.
I think that's the new badge going forward and the club has dipped it's toe in the water to gauge fan reaction by lashing it on the 3rd kit. You don't spend that sort of money on branding like that unless you are going for a full rebrand. I imagine it will be the badge/branding plastered all over our new stadium.

I’d say it’s got worse or more nauseating these days. Cigarette brands or say old school Volkswagen and something close to my own heart, camera marketing although all lies much the same as today was at least…quite good.

In my humble opinion of course
Yeah there did used to be more of an "art" to it I reckon.

Stuff is far to pretentious and in your face these days.

This latest logo thing is basically "We need a badge that is easier to print and less fiddly to use." That's it, that's the remit, all the other stuff is just guff.

Personally i don't hate it, I have seen some people with the new logo in a lapel pin and I think it looks really nice and understated, I do wish that they put the laurels in though, even a modern take on them too.

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