Everton branding

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Since you asked, mate, I think stuff like this way over the top, nauseating and patronising.

It’s a heap of overly deep guff and any executive that signs off on this should be sent back to the shop floor to refind themselves.

This bit in particular finished me clean off.


Since you asked, mate, I think stuff like this way over the top, nauseating and patronising.

It’s a heap of overly deep guff and any executive that signs off on this should be sent back to the shop floor to refind themselves.

This bit in particular finished me clean off.

View attachment 177056
Unfortunately Chico in the way the worlds gone meaningless bollocks like this and the pursuit of creating something that fits meaningless bollocks like this has loads of money in it.

I don’t get it because myself and everybody who I know would look at stuff like this and for another example those equally guff “values” all companies come up with and think “what a load of tripe” but clearly it suckers folk in and earns the monies otherwise they wouldn’t keep coming up with it.

TL;DR I hate the modern world.

Since you asked, mate, I think stuff like this way over the top, nauseating and patronising.

It’s a heap of overly deep guff and any executive that signs off on this should be sent back to the shop floor to refind themselves.

This bit in particular finished me clean off.

View attachment 177056
Someone, somewhere has written this line and thought "that's it".
Can see what they are trying to pull off. Similar to the redsh*te claiming and using the Liver bird as their own. Only problem is though, ours looks like it has been created with Microsoft Paint.

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