Duncan Ferguson - The Coach

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Don’t think he mastered that Header watching Boa Morte


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An incident there today where Ferguson gets up off the bench to consult with Ancelotti and the manager hides his mouth behind his hand to tell Ferguson something. Ferguson made a facial expression that underlined he didn't agree with what Ancelotti had said and retook his seat.

I'm not sure DF will be around to see the Ancelotti era to an end. Just a feeling.

I wasn’t at the game today so watched the stream and caught this too. Unsure if it was disagreement or just surprise, like maybe he hadn’t considered the suggestion?

To be fair, it’s a new working relationship. Like anything, they’re all getting to know each other. Wasn’t necessarily anything detrimental.
Ancelotti seems like a manager who will welcome suggestions but often will know better
DF needs to manage his behaviour in line with this
I wasn’t at the game today so watched the stream and caught this too. Unsure if it was disagreement or just surprise, like maybe he hadn’t considered the suggestion?

To be fair, it’s a new working relationship. Like anything, they’re all getting to know each other. Wasn’t necessarily anything detrimental.
Maybe not. However, it looked to me like what Ferguson suggested was batted away by Ancelotti (obvioulsy he placed his hand to cover his lips to do that and spare Ferguson's blushes). DF definitley looked offended and it was an awkward sit back down on the bench for him.

IMO Ferguson believed he'd got this job and seems to feel he should have some in-game input.
I have no agenda. Ferguson is no one and not someone I need bother about now he's been put back where he belongs.
If he is a "no one" and not someone you need to bother about , then why do you keep passing constantly negative comments about him ?. There is never any balance to your comments. It's almost an obsession mate.

Today was still largely about Duncan Ferguson with a couple of CA tweaks thrown in, how could it be any other way ?

Ferguson certainly can learn a couple of lessons on man management from CA but Ancelotti will tap into the way that Ferguson has lifted the fans, club and players in his short time in charge.

Ancelotti is far too astute not to recognise the asset that has been given to him , it is for him to decide how best to use it.

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