Do you have an EFC connection?

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Played football and went to school with Dixie Deans great grandson.
Played at Goodison.
Alan Stubbs almost ran me over outside Woodwards.
Went to a wedding as a kid that Francis Jeffers attended and got his signature on a napkin.

Any of those count?

Sort of I guess, maybe not. My uncle (mums side) married a girl who's dad owned the Dublin Packet pub in Chester. The pub originally belonged to Dixie and my aunty's dad purchased it just after he died.

Not me personally but a slight family connection I suppose.
Another is getting dropped off by Ronny Goodlass for 5 nights on the bounce after attending his soccer school one Easter by alder hey in 1995. Top fella, still had all of his skill and touch even then.
Played bowls against Dai Davies.
Girl I used to work with married Drew Brand.
Used to live round the corner from Barry Horne.
Sat next to and had long chat with the late great Gary Speed at a Wales game before he broke into the national side.
I once played in a match with Ronnie Goodless and i got man of the match...not such a claim to fame as he was crap anyway!:)...Also used to Live next door to Ian Marshall who also went to the same school as myself...oh and my mum was asked out by Alan Ball back in the 60's...come to think of it i used to have red hair!
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