Another case of the Saturday blues! Hoping Everton can make things a lot better

not sure what it is really.. just a niggling feeling of sadness under everything that I am trying to keep myself busy with! I had this last Saturday when I was sat there thinking 'well what now?'. It's similar but I am less panicky over ending the relationship and the consequences of it. I guess I just feel like a spare part really... Feel like I am a hindrance having come back home and like I am more answerable to people... Like I have lost some freedom, even though I've gained freedom in so many other ways. I have lots of plans and cool people around me with similar interests etc but I just keep thinking is this just all temporary and one day I'll just be on my own and having a breakdown in my bedroom at my mum and dad's? All very premature and jumping too far ahead... But as I'm sure a lot of you understand, it's a normal reaction to jump ahead under circumstances like this. Overall, I feel as though I have made the right decision... It's just still fresh and surreal. I have a lot of life left to live and a lot of people to meet/experiences to go through... Sometimes it just doesn't feel that way and you feel like you want/need all the answers right here, right now. Thanks for listening