2023/24 Dele

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The guy who was challenging my testing I’d setup for Everton was just talking 💩 to be awkward.

What a great servant to the club you are. Can your next project involve working on new defensive tactics please? We're crap back there at the moment and if we've got a man of your standing on the inside then there might be a chance of getting change before it's too late.
It turns out, they do 2/3 times a year with urine and blood and it can be as little as 1 time a year.

Cocaine will show in urine and blood for a very short period of time.

The lack of high profile drug test failures in football isn’t evidence it’s clean it’s evidence the testing is rubbish. Compare to boxing.

The guy who was challenging my testing I’d setup for Everton was just talking 💩 to be awkward.

My test be once a month and hair via 2.5 to 3 times a season on urine and blood.
Zero evidence Dele has ever done anything more than Nitrous Oxide. Why are you talking about cocaine?

And once a month test will still not show nitrous oxide. Which is currently legal.

Why do you keep avoiding that point?

Can I get this straight. You've googled a few articles and are now bringing forward a proposal for a new drug testing system for the Premier League?


For further character references please look up what the president of his former employer
in Turkey said about him. For those who do not speak fluent Turkish he said that Deli Ali was
basically a tosser, an expensive waste of space. I would have thought given his body of work
at EFC that that would be a reasonable assessment of the man who if he's not injured is on holiday
or waiting for some press photographer to show up.

When will this con-man take responsibility for his rapid decline as a footballer? Not fighting in the
Ukraine or working in an UCI unit in a hospital or driving a taxi at night no playing footie, this waste of space comes up
with playing the victim and judging by some reactions on here it works.

100k a week. Plays 6 more games for EFC and we have to pay 10 million to Spurs.
Well when @dCahill17 implements his faultless and fool proof drugs testing regime, I can’t wait to see all the completely hairless, bald and smooth footballers running around.

Hair blood urine increased frequency.

It’s not hard to create a test better than current setup. And the current setup is weak.

22 Lee Carsleys be funny though 🤣
For further character references please look up what the president of his former employer
in Turkey said about him. For those who do not speak fluent Turkish he said that Deli Ali was
basically a tosser, an expensive waste of space. I would have thought given his body of work
at EFC that that would be a reasonable assessment of the man who if he's not injured is on holiday
or waiting for some press photographer to show up.

When will this con-man take responsibility for his rapid decline as a footballer? Not fighting in the
Ukraine or working in an UCI unit in a hospital or driving a taxi at night no playing footie, this waste of space comes up
with playing the victim and judging by some reactions on here it works.

100k a week. Plays 6 more games for EFC and we have to pay 10 million to Spurs.

Hi mate. Did you completely miss his interview with Gary Neville during the summer?

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