Bradley Lowery

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I have no idea of the pain you and your family must feel, but can I say that like Bradley you have shown fortitude and I would like to thank you for your updates.
On the train to the match, and I am certain that there will be a rapturous welcome for Bradley.
On a lighter note, crying on a train should possibly be avoided, but what the hell!
Sorry mate it's @speedy1976 son I was just copying the post trying to edit it now ffs
Another great photo of the lovely little chap.


Seeing this kid slices me in half - absolutely love his smile that is never off his face and would brighten up the darkest of days for anyone. But at the same time my stomach churns and my eyes fill up with what he has been through and what may be to come.

It sort of puts everything into perspective in so many ways.

Hope he and all his family have a great day full of memories to cherish forever whatever the future may hold.

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