Bobbys first kitty

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"....if he sells someone, he won't get 80 per cent of that, he'll get 100 per cent.

"Plus he has a certain amount of money for the transfer window which David was going to have".- Kenwright

The Mail says we were looking to do a deal for Negredo at £13m in January, so the 'certain amount' is presumably in that region and Fellaini's release clause is reported to be £24m. If we get £3m for Heitinga and £1m for Gueye the total pot could be £41m! Wages should be excluded because of the amount that we're freeing up with Moyes, Neville, Mucha, Hitzlsperger and the players already mentioned leaving.

There would be no pressure to sell Baines, so it would take a ridiculous offer or the player wanting to move on for it to happen.
Transfer kitty:

It wont be load like the kind of dosh brendon gets at the rs. But around 25 million would be great and i'm sure Martinez will be happy with that.
Why have people mentioned Rooney coming back???
It's all I can think about now!!!!
I know it's probably never gonna happen, but........what if? How good would that be??? haha
Why have people mentioned Rooney coming back???
It's all I can think about now!!!!
I know it's probably never gonna happen, but........what if? How good would that be??? haha

I know how u feel .. we have always lacked that prolific goal scorer and its always a what if we had that guy who could get 15 goals a season .. could we of made the top 4 .. would of been in some European cup ... o well didnt happen so no point teasing ourselfs .. its a bit like the devil and angel on each shoulder

It's nice to see some love for Rooney on here, most of the time it seems this forum hates him.
I was a bit pissed off at him when he left, he deserved the step up but it was just the way he acted the first few years. Since then I've always had positive words for him.

I would love to see him come back, I'm pretty sure deep down underneath all that cash he's got a little spot for Everton. Surely it's not that far fetched to take a pay cut to return to a club you have passion for.

It's like, go play in the ****ty French league with no challenge (aside from CL football), but a ton of silverware and money. Or return to your boyhood club, helping them work their way into Europe but with a 60% pay cut. I think he'd really enjoy his football if he returned here and still be a world class player.

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