Homepage Update: Blues in relegation scrap says Allardyce

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I don't get this. We are 9th and have just spent £50m on two strikers after spending £150m in the summer.

If you keep saying relegation and appointing meffs like Allardyce then it becomes self fulfilling. We've appointed a manager to stave off relegation so that's all we are aspiring too.

Get him gone as soon as and bring someone in that wants to target the top 6. The money is there it just needs spending more shrewdly and with greater long term commitment.

If you can't say something positive, then as a manager, say nothing at all.

I don't think he could ever come out and say "Relegation? - No chance" but perhaps its the first real sign of frustration from him with some elements of the squad.

Even so, it's washing dirty linen in public to a degree and doing us down - I don't think anything good comes from that.

He is manager - and whatever his thoughts are - its his job to fix this.

And this. FS is slowly getting his own contract teared up. And I for one can’t wait

After week 19, half way through the season and after we've played every team once (actually we had played Chelsea twice and hadn't played 19th placed Albion at all) we were in 9th position on 26 points, 6 points behind Spurs and 11 points above the drop zone.

As a snapshot that was poor and had reflected a very disappointing first half of the season. But in no way would that have been considered a relegation scrap.

We really shouldn't be in one now tbh. The squad we have and the games we have left, we should be able to put together 10 points (which will be more than enough). The reason we have fears of this are our recent performances against Albion (twice) and Bournemouth. We've been outplayed 3 times against 2 of the poorest teams in the league, and responsibility for this lies at the door of the manager and nobody else. It was that way with Koeman and Unsworth, and so it should be with Allardyce too. Koeman started blaming his players too and that, for me, spelled the end for him.

I think the guy has to go now.

Come on mate, are some people really still dancing this dance?

Despite how often it is said to the contrary by certain folk, we've been in trouble pretty much from the start of the season. The spectre of relegation has been omnipresent throughout. Most sensible supporters accepted it back before Koeman was even sacked

Our whole preparation for the season has been terrible, which is down mostly to Walsh's terrible recruitment and Moshiri dilly-dallying when strong leadership was required, and it's meant we've been struggling to keep our heads above water since early doors

After week 19, half way through the season and after we've played every team once (actually we had played Chelsea twice and hadn't played 19th placed Albion at all) we were in 9th position on 26 points, 6 points behind Spurs and 11 points above the drop zone.

As a snapshot that was poor and had reflected a very disappointing first half of the season. But in no way would that have been considered a relegation scrap.

We really shouldn't be in one now tbh. The squad we have and the games we have left, we should be able to put together 10 points (which will be more than enough). The reason we have fears of this are our recent performances against Albion (twice) and Bournemouth. We've been outplayed 3 times against 2 of the poorest teams in the league, and responsibility for this lies at the door of the manager and nobody else. It was that way with Koeman and Unsworth, and so it should be with Allardyce too. Koeman started blaming his players too and that, for me, spelled the end for him.

I think the guy has to go now.
Lashing out blaming the players,is a sign of weakness.

We are in relegation trouble so Moshiri sacks Koeman and wants Silva but Watford wouldn't play ball. Moshiri turns to a person renowned as a relegation specialist, Allardyce. Allardyce has a pop at Silva's 'record' whilst getting his dream job. He steadies the ship saying, 'I can't understand how Everton were so bad defensively' and we pick up points. Have a bad run and Allardyce doesn't mention the R word until today the day after Silva gets sacked by Watford.
I wanted Allardyce because we were rudderless and heading downward. Allardyce has/had his opportunity to get the job for at least another year but at the moment it is looking poor due to his own negativity. Two defensive midfielders against West Brom at home and when the crosses come into their box only one of our players is in the box. For me, at the end of the season it is thanks, but no more thanks.
We have been in a bottom half scrap all season and unfortunately so far both Koemand and Allardyce haven't been able to infuse some fighting spirit into some players in this squad.
It's a stupid thing to say, regardless of it's accuracy

It was only ever going to garner the sort of responses displayed here in this thread

He's hardly a smoother operator

EDIT: The more I think about it, he's an idiot for saying this. He had to know it would get this reaction, and if he didn't then he's drowning in his own arrogance

He’s talking like a pundit or an observer Mikey.

He’s distancing himself from the poor performances and passing it off as plain honesty.

I think he’s forgot he’s in charge of this team.
Whilst his implied criticism of players is not inaccurate( imo, most of them are a bunch of spineless losers), it is inadvisable to publicly do so.
For the record, I am certain we are in a relegation battle. I think we are are the second worst team in the league. And, ironically, the man Moshiri brought in to stave off relegation, will be a major reason we likely will go down. He’s a crap manager, managing a sad excuse of a football team that makes me presently dislike Everton immensely
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The last time we won was the 18th December i.e over a month ago. Since then, we haven't won anything and have picked up just 3 points out of a possible 18. Nowhere near good enough by any standards and no different than what came before him. Well there is one difference, he has had a long term injury (Bolasie) come back playing again and has just spent 50 million on players and we look even cacker than before. Some people think that the safest option is to keep him in charge till the end of the season but is that really the case because looking at the last 7 matches, the shocking football the team is playing, the defeatist attitude, negativeness and book passing from the man in charge, you have to wonder where the next win is coming from. Just because he has never been relegated doesn't mean that he never will be and with what we have seen the past month, maybe the safer option is to not leave him in charge for the rest of season.
I honestly think he doesn’t give a toss what happens to us. He’ll know come the end of the season he’s a goner no matter if we stay up or go down and he drags his fat arse off into the sunset with a nice payoff.

Absolute scumbag of a manager, he’s like a non comedy version of Mike Bassett
He’s right, the little fat pleb is right, he’s managed to make us even worse than before, there’s not a single team playing worse than us currently, Swansea tonight are much better and hungrier than i’ve Seen us all season.

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