Bill Kenwright

Once again something is iffy about the goings on at the club.

Why not have new board members in place before you announce the departures of DBB, Ingles and Sharp ?

Why is the chairman, who receives a 900k a year salary , having his fate confirmed later than the others?

It’s odd imo
That's £2465.75 per day he's trousering while he hangs on laughing his billocks off.

I actually reckon there might be something in the board resigning en masse and Moshiri needing Bill to stay in place till he gets an interim board together.
In order to get the new board together (how ever short term) he needs to get the MSP deal done.
So Bill likely has him between a rock and a hard place.
Chairman Bill obviously needs to stay on to fight this court case!

Have we banned the Guardian from any of our press conferences? What is their beef with us?
Regarding the teams queuing to sue us, can we add Sheff Utd, Luton and Bournemouth to the list next season?
How come nobody is waiting to sue Man City or Leicester, orthe RS for using inhalers for the world's most asthmatic club?
