Best Individual Everton Goal ?

I hummed the lightening seeds tune ti that goal then
This goal is probably top of my list not just the goal it the goal that got my son hooked on Everton, he had been to games and was an evertonian but was take it or leave it when it came to going he was 7.before this goal my mate and his lad where wanting to go early I said no something will happen here, we will miss it they went we stayed and McFadden done this my lad was hooked still is and says it’s down to this
I love the determination of Danny Cadamarteri vs the sh!te

This footage for some reason initially cuts out the goal, but then shows it from two different angles - the only clip I could find.

Cadamarterie looked to have the world at his feet.

Was this the one where the telly inexplicably cut to an ad break during the match and when it came back we had scored? Anyone remember that?

Yakubu when he absolutely obliterated Meireles in the process. Did he even go on to score? Can't remember now..
