A Season in Numbers: Statistical Review of the Season: Part One

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The Executioner's Bong

Player Valuation: £500k
In the first of a 3 part end of season review we break down the performance of the team and analyse areas of success along with opportunities for improvement. Each aspect will compare our performance with the best and worst teams for that aspect of play in the division and where possible our stats from last year.

The full post is below - thanks for everyone who has read the blog this season and for GOT for letting me post stuff on here- much appreicated. There will be 2 further end of year posts - both out tomorrow night.

Thank YOU EB. Your statistical and analytical approach to the game has helped me better understand and learn my game in my first season following Everton and the Premier League. Keep it coming

have to agree with all the comments here already fantastic piece of analytical data- really really nice work EB
Great. I think our pass completion and direct play changed when we lost pienaar

"The Scot should also be applauded for his ability to galvanize the team after various setbacks through the campaign: the Blues didn’t lose back to back games in the league all season."

Pity he can't galvanize a full strength squad when there's no setbacks at the beginning of a season.

Great write up though, always interesting to read.
New to the boards and only the second post i have viewed so far, i can see ive signed into a decent Blues forum already. Pretty impressive stats you put together. Nice one !
You mentioned that 12 interceptions per game were the worst in the league but the chart says that 12 is the average in the Premier League. Is there a mistake there?

The lack of through balls was particularly infuriating for me this year. Our midfield and strikers didn't seem to have any idea what the other was doing. Many times a striker would make a run only to have the midfield player either not see it or not have the aggressiveness to attempt the through ball. On the other side, several times a midfield player would make a through ball but the striker wouldn't be ready for it and we'd end up losing the ball. We really need to work on our coordination next year. Osman helped a lot in that realm but we need a lot more fluid movement and passing in the final third.
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