A question for some of the older GOTites

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That is tough Mickey mate. It was so different back then.

Neither won anything, but the finances were ok in Lees day. In my opinion though, and I will get uber neg repped I guess, but Moyes (just) gets my vote, taking everything into account.

Moyes although they both won nothing overall, both came close like, there was a much more level playing field in them days. Lee had a bettet chance of success. Besides that Lee got rid of Duncan Mckenzie a hero of my youth.
I remember I liked Gordon Lee at the time but then he got rid of Duncan MacKenzie so taking it all into consideration it's David ... err Dave ... err, Davie boy ... oh bugger it come back Billy Bingham.
Gordon Lee will forever be known as the man who got rid of McKenzie, outside of L4 he was much more respected but he looked too much like arl mr thingy from the funfair on scooby doo for my liking.

I think Moyes edges it. He inherited a worse team, and had much less money to spend comparatively. Lee wasn't all that bad, just always seemed to be a player or two short of a team that could seriously challenge for the title.
Only just remember Lee. Don't recall anything fabtastic about him.

Moyes has proved himslef to be a bell of the highest order but ignoring the last year or so he will be remmebered as the man who saved us from being annual relegation fodder
Would say Gordon Lee in general but Moyes was up against teams with billionaire owners. Therefor would put them at about the same level. Lee got rid of Mckenzie but Moyes showed his true colours of late, red....

Shame really, the west ham game send off gutts me now!
Moyes. Took over when truly dire. Gave back sense of purpose, built club steadily, initially talked up,the whole concept of everton, brought in some ace players many of whom played as if they knew what the club meant to us. Raised the bar seriously for a long while and was excellent in public compared with Hughes and co. unfortunately that Moyes disappeared gradually over time and became careworn, seemed to lack belief in his own excellent team and possibly began to think himself more important than the club.
Lee was decent guy but even when on good runs team seemed to waiting for it all to end. Something just missing.
Moyes although they both won nothing overall, both came close like, there was a much more level playing field in them days. Lee had a bettet chance of success. Besides that Lee got rid of Duncan Mckenzie a hero of my youth.
Moyes for those same reasons, nobody treats Duncan McKenzie that way, and gets away with it.

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