777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Sorry it’s a bit silly this.
Its about getting the best players you can afford performing on the pitch under the best manager, it always has been.
Arsenal aren’t exactly on the bones of their bottom either , despite their name !

Sorry mate. Just don’t agree.

The vehicles for getting money into that club are unnatural, unfair and unorganic therefore undermining any sense of sporting aveivement - when that’s the context it’s not hard, we want a manger let’s get the best in the world in Pep, we want a centre forward - eh let’s get Haaland. We want an academy let’s throw money at all the young players,

115 charges and they’ve already been done by UEFA.

It’s not real and lacks sporting integrity.

They are not a real dynasty the way say Utd were, they are a KFC artificially steroid pumped chicken.

City as a club are dead. You’d miss them they were a real football club and had a real culture.

Nice to watch mind, like the Harlem Globtrotters.

I don’t take them seriously.
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Avalanche of X-based negative 777 posts since it was announced (by a real salaried journo -like him or not) that they and the club expected to hear over the next 2 weeks. Relentless. If they are as bad as they look, I hope the PL have enough bottle to bin them. But it’s all about being right on the internet at the moment. It’s like wrestling or Derek Acorah. Vaguely entertaining with a big following, but mainly repetitive bollox.
Sorry it’s a bit silly this.
Its about getting the best players you can afford performing on the pitch under the best manager, it always has been.
Arsenal aren’t exactly on the bones of their bottom either , despite their name !
Nah, disagree as those best players are only there due to 115 dubious accountancy practices. It’s financial doping, and city should be treated like cyclists caught cheating. Every title is stripped.
Paying bills late is not a sign of a well run stable business it’s the opposite.
Not paying on time incurs penalties which means it costs you more.
It also erodes trust and deters other businesses from dealing with you.
Also it will damage your credit rating , further inhibiting your ability to operate.
In short it’s a sign of a struggling and poorly run business.
Or perhaps a business that it's trying to expand far too quickly instead of building a strong foundation
Sorry it’s a bit silly this.
Its about getting the best players you can afford performing on the pitch under the best manager, it always has been.
Arsenal aren’t exactly on the bones of their bottom either , despite their name !

So, the 115 charges—what are they all about? Why were they charged by UEFA twice? Do you really believe City are commercially more attractive than the likes of Real, Barcelona, Bayern, Liverpool, and Man United? Do you think City's revenue would be £715 million (highest club-revenue) without the UAE inflating their income?
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At the minute he'll be quite happy as he's agreed a deal with 777 and they are continuing to fund the stadium and day to day operations. He won't do anything until either the Premier League officially reject/ fail 777 (not sure they will specifically) OR 777 pull out due to being unable to secure approval within a suitable time frame.

All that being said, you'd expect Moshiri might be getting a bit worried by now that it might all fall apart and would have started some initial discussions with A.N.Other interested party?
I doubt very much that Moshiri is ‘quite happy’ as having insinuated that 777 are the best option to takeover the club from him, they still appear to have failed to submit the necessary audited accounts and proof of financial liquidity to the PL.
Avalanche of X-based negative 777 posts since it was announced (by a real salaried journo -like him or not) that they and the club expected to hear over the next 2 weeks. Relentless. If they are as bad as they look, I hope the PL have enough bottle to bin them. But it’s all about being right on the internet at the moment. It’s like wrestling or Derek Acorah. Vaguely entertaining with a big following, but mainly repetitive bollox.
Again , there is so much negative information about them , it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
By contrast , finding anything positive is like searching for a needle in a ( very large) haystack.
Funny , by the way , that they don’t even seem to have gained the FCA approval that it was claimed they had , even after 5 months have passed.
I doubt very much that Moshiri is ‘quite happy’ as having insinuated that 777 are the best option to takeover the club from him, they still appear to have failed to submit the necessary audited accounts and proof of financial liquidity to the PL.
I meant 'quite happy' in the sense they are meeting all current financial commitments and that he has a deal in place. For all intents and purposes the club is sold subject to the relevant approvals.

The reason for the delay in obtaining approval from the Premier League and the ultimate cause of that delay are another matter.
So, the 115 charges—what are they all about? Why were they charged by UEFA twice? Do you really believe City are commercially more attractive than the likes of Real, Barcelona, Bayern, Liverpool, and Man United? Do you think City's revenue would be £715 million (highest club-revenue) without the UAE inflating their income?

Aren't a lot of those charges for City not complying with the prem when they been asked to produce documents etc, so every time they refused and appealed the prem has hit them with another charge. I could be wrong like.

Sorry mate. Just don’t agree.

The vehicles for getting money into that club are unnatural, unfair and unorganic therefore undermining any sense of sporting aveivement - when that’s the context it’s not hard, we want a manger let’s get the best in the world in Pep, we want a centre forward - eh let’s get Haaland. We want an academy let’s throw money at all the young players,

115 charges and they’ve already been done by UEFA.

It’s not real and lacks sporting integrity.

They are not a real dynasty the way say Utd were, they are a KFC artificially steroid pumped chicken.

City as a club are dead. You’d miss them they were a real football club and had a real culture.

Nice to watch mind, like the Harlem Globtrotters.

I don’t take them seriously.
The ‘sporting integrity ‘ you seek will prove elusive and has probably never existed at least since the game turned professional.
Perhaps if all the monies that came into the game were pooled and equally distributed among the clubs, players wages were capped , the amount of players a club could employ was also capped you could achieve the level playing field you idealise.
But in the absence of that, you will have to accept the game is and always has been about who can spend the most money effectively.
Whatever you think, City won the league playing excellent football and I think it’s sad you are unable to appreciate that , because watching excellence on the pitch should be what football is about.
You are making it solely about finance.
Sorry mate. Just don’t agree.

The vehicles for getting money into that club are unnatural, unfair and unorganic therefore undermining any sense of sporting aveivement - when that’s the context it’s not hard, we want a manger let’s get the best in the world in Pep, we want a centre forward - eh let’s get Haaland. We want an academy let’s throw money at all the young players,

115 charges and they’ve already been done by UEFA.

It’s not real and lacks sporting integrity.

They are not a real dynasty the way say Utd were, they are a KFC artificially steroid pumped chicken.

City as a club are dead. You’d miss them they were a real football club and had a real culture.

Nice to watch mind, like the Harlem Globtrotters.

I don’t take them seriously.
In fairness I wouldn't disagree with you here but I'd also say basically any team in football history has something fishy at the back of it. United's are the easiest to look at, very clear that throughout SAF's dominant period that they had decisions going their way, were able to spend the most money and generally had the advantage. There's a reason they had far more dominance in England than in Europe and there's reason why big clubs can become and remain big clubs, even in less successful periods.

That's not to say that they explicitly cheated like City have, however I wouldn't say that they created a dynasty through pure chance or skill of recruitment. For me, I don't find much issue with what City have done because frankly they've just used a lot of the PL's infrastructure and rules against them, outside of Everton I don't really care about football honestly so whatever these superclubs do often just don't matter to me, so I couldn't really care less if City's brand of cheating is wrong compared to what United, Arsenal and Liverpool have done over the last few decades. City are brazen cheats, it's almost commendable how in the open they've done it, for me it's the stuff in the shadows that's far worse and that's almost certainly what the other "big" clubs have done.
Again , there is so much negative information about them , it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
By contrast , finding anything positive is like searching for a needle in a ( very large) haystack.
Funny , by the way , that they don’t even seem to have gained the FCA approval that it was claimed they had , even after 5 months have passed.
Oh, on a list of potential owners, you wouldn’t even have them as a last ditch back up plan. But I would be astounded if the regulatory authorities in the US and UK get beaten to the scoop by 3 blokes on Twitter that just repost each others articles and add “This is what I think too. Great work.” I’ve said before, they may be right, may be wrong. But it’s all very stressfull for fans, and legions of Evertonians are hanging on every speculative words of a bloke that has historically got everything wrong, but has the brass neck to just keep on trucking. Thats what I don’t like. Its not fair. It doesn’t feel like they want to help, feels like they want to say told you so.

People can blame the PL all they like. They can just keep requesting info as infinitum. They will not come out and reject them. It’s up to Mosh and 777 to stop proposing the sale, there is no deadline. If these are as bad they seem, it’s entirely the fault of Mosh and the club for pushing on with the charade. Mosh, I can see he is that gullible. But a transaction of this size, there will be lawyers and accountants and tax specialists (from the US end) from both sides all over it. For NONE of them to ask what the hell we are we playing at if these haven’t got proof of funds, it is really really bizarre. Its like me approaching Wolves owner and saying I’d like to buy the club, and it getting all the way to the final stages after 6 months of investigation before anyone asks if I have any money.
Oh, on a list of potential owners, you wouldn’t even have them as a last ditch back up plan. But I would be astounded if the regulatory authorities in the US and UK get beaten to the scoop by 3 blokes on Twitter that just repost each others articles and add “This is what I think too. Great work.” I’ve said before, they may be right, may be wrong. But it’s all very stressfull for fans, and legions of Evertonians are hanging on every speculative words of a bloke that has historically got everything wrong, but has the brass neck to just keep on trucking. Thats what I don’t like. Its not fair. It doesn’t feel like they want to help, feels like they want to say told you so.

People can blame the PL all they like. They can just keep requesting info as infinitum. They will not come out and reject them. It’s up to Mosh and 777 to stop proposing the sale, there is no deadline. If these are as bad they seem, it’s entirely the fault of Mosh and the club for pushing on with the charade. Mosh, I can see he is that gullible. But a transaction of this size, there will be lawyers and accountant from both side all over it. For NONE of them to ask what the hell we are we playing if these haven’t got proof of funds, it is really really bizarre.

well said

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