777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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I've seen it suggested that 777 might be supported by co-investors, given that there is no evidence in the public domain that they possess the capital required to buy Everton Football Club.

That's a very scary prospect to me - because if it is the case, I'd need to know whom those co-investors are to be "comfortable" with the takeover.

If it's Saudis - I'd find it very hard to step foot into Bramley Moore.
Is that not how it should be? Owner builds a club that more fans want to spend money on, fans spend money, and then that money is put into the running of the club?
So you're saying that it only counts as spending money if the owner does it at a loss out of his own pocket?

That still feels like a little bit of a stretch for me, though, because that line of argument assumes that all of the owners of the other clubs aren't doing the same thing - raising ticket prices, concessions, etc. If only the American owners were doing that, then ok, but I don't think that's the case. I'm pretty sure I remember pretty recent complaints about Everton trying to raise ticket prices too, and of course they'll be going up in the new stadium no matter what nationality the owner is at the time.

Not to mention that if the owners really wanted to, they could just pocket all of that extra money from the fans. They're not obligated to spend it on buying players or anything else. So if they do turn around and reinvest a large portion of it, then I don't see how that's not spending money.

Look, I'm not trying to say the American owners are generous angels, but neither are any of the other owners by the same criteria. Honestly, I think it would be great if all of the Premier League clubs were owned by the fans as a first option (something akin to the German model) or at least by rich English people if they must be owned by rich people. But right now today the two realistic options for new ownership for a Premier League club are either American or Saudi / Qatari.

I just think the arguments floating around to say that the American option is worse than the Saudi option are disingenuous (none of my points are necessarily directed solely at you in particular). Nobody is doing any of this out of the kindness of their hearts. They're all in it to make money, whatever their nationality. If the Saudis aren't being blatant about taking immediate profits, it's because for them it's a longer-term play to sportswash their country's reputation on the world stage, so they can cash in on that enhanced reputation in so many different ways later on.
Everton dont have the global fanbase the other clubs you mentioned have.

We will need money, lots of money, it will come from the fans pockets.

If you're ok with that, sound, im not.
Maybe review the other clubs they own. See what their fans think.
You mean 777? That's why I mentioned that I was not defending them specifically. I'm only talking about the concept of American ownership in general.
Everton dont have the global fanbase the other clubs you mentioned have.

We will need money, lots of money, it will come from the fans pockets.

If you're ok with that, sound, im not.
But those club didn't always have huge global fanbases either. That can be built over time. And many of those "global" fans are incredibly fickle anyway. They follow big-name players more than clubs unless they just bandwagon onto whatever club is hot at the moment (there's a lot of overlap between those two things anyway).

Don't fans contribute to their club financially almost by default, though? We buy tickets, merchandise, etc. etc. no matter who the owner is. I mean, if there were no owners and everything really was just fan-owned, the fans would have to contribute even more, right? Where did the idea come from that it's the obligation of some rich dude to come be our sugar daddy and expect nothing in return?

Anyway, I don't really have much more to say about it. 777 may or may not be crap for us. Who knows. All I wanted to say was that if they're crap, it's because they're crap, not because they're American.

Old news that mate, that was mooted about 3 months ago.

On a more recent and serious note, the local Scarborough Chess association have made a confirmed complaint about 777 as they were supposed to be sponsoring the SCAL (Scarborough Chess Association League) by donating 777 Chess boards but have only donated 6.

Deffo charlatans this lot

Everton dont have the global fanbase the other clubs you mentioned have.

We will need money, lots of money, it will come from the fans pockets.

If you're ok with that, sound, im not.
I was thinking about this earlier. I don't understand what the problem is with getting inflated commercial deals from new owners is. As long as the money is there. Who cares how much the commercial deals are for. It's all bunch of crap anyways
Old news that mate, that was mooted about 3 months ago.

On a more recent and serious note, the local Scarborough Chess association have made a confirmed complaint about 777 as they were supposed to be sponsoring the SCAL (Scarborough Chess Association League) by donating 777 Chess boards but have only donated 6.

Deffo charlatans this lot

Shanice from east Scarbough went on to say:

”We were so looking forward it, it’s all we’ve talked about in Scarborough all week, literally no body went to the fair to be here, I all out of Sage and Thyme as things stand, we couldn’t believe our eyes when the chess boards arrived, I’ll never count beyond 6 or 776 again”.

Get used to the principle of one out to get one in. And given what we have to go out, there's not going to be much coming in. This group is forever shaking tins to pay for their next wild ill-thought out venture. My take is It's grim.

Just been reading their meant to be worth 9 odd billion. If this is true are they just trying to buy us to try drain the last few pennies we might have left
Just been reading their meant to be worth 9 odd billion. If this is true are they just trying to buy us to try drain the last few pennies we might have left
I'm no financial Esk, but...allegedly...it seems they buy small, then use the notional value, e.g. what it was sold for ( but  not how it is being paid for...this is well separate and kept deliberately so.) to get credit to trade up and buy something else.

Your basic financial musical chairs / accounty-wounty jiggery-pokery with a modern quantum twist...

All the (your) money is in the box with the Schroedinger's cat to guard it...of course it is, but I dont really want to open the box, but hey look at all the businesses we own, stands to reason dunnit?

*trades up to a supposed even bigger company, using the notional value of all the previous acquisitions
..."it's the Premier League mate, 9 times champions, 1878, richest league in the world mate."

"All the (your) money is in the box with the Schroedinger's cat to guard it...of course it is, but I don’t really want to open the box, but hey look at all the businesses we own, stands to reason dunnit etc, etc."

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