6 + 2 Point Deductions

Point out when I said the fans please.

I said the club needs to at the appeal and with the excuses.

We need to be cutting a deal and using the past 2 seasons of what we have done in trimming the wage bill and squad size and throwing the previous board members under the bus and selling the new board as a different regime.

Us fans can go out all attack on the premier league but the club needs to work with them as we potentially could be in the dock again when the next set of accounts come out.

Few days ago something about we need to stop playing the victim card. If i misinterpreted that as fans fair enough. But i dont think even the club should be dropping that. We already held our hands up to things and it got us a record points deduction. So its time to attack back.
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We are on the brink of an abyss. The brink of sleepwalking into being owned by one of the worst sports investment companies on the planet and people are focusing on the points deduction.

We broke the rules, WE HAVE ADMITTED breaking the rules yet people are focusing on it being a witch hunt.

Yes the punishment is harsh and hopefully will be reduced on appeal. However, there are far too many people pouring petrol on the flames. It is reminiscent of Trump supporters who just completely disregard all evidence. The same idiots who buried their heads in the sand whilst Moshiri was destroying the club.

Enth"Mewling Quim"...is top tier.
Seventh Heaven for a Muff Diver.

That's not the issue and you know it. No one is suggesting complete innocence, but there is a multitude of extenuating circumstance and context there for that 10 points to be unwarranted.

But you go ahead and show everyone what a 'solid citizen' you are and completely 'objective'.
Dave, what are you on about?

I quite literally say in the post you quoted that 10 points is ridiculous. And it is ridiculous. And I hope Everton's lawyers do a far better job in the appeal than they did in the first hearing.

That doesn't change the fact that had they actually just not signed Ben Godfrey this wouldn't have happened.
But we are being penalised for the amount of our spending, not its profligacy so I’m not sure it’s a relevant point. If we had signed Haaland, Bellingham and Some other stars players for the same amount we would still have breached the rules.
If we signed those players we'd have been much better so we'd have made more money so we probably wouldn't have broken as many rules.

But that's the paradox of the PL's P&S regulations. They don't allow you to do that and set a glass ceiling that takes sustained success to break through - yet no club other than the established elite can sustain said success without spending money.

Newcastle have a chance, because they already have the stadium, but it'll be very tough for them.

Look, the punishment is huge, there a reason for that. What many of us are seeing as a £20m overspend is seen by the PL as £125m overspend as

So, we’d already been under monitoring due to exceeding the £15m limit. And as the PL sees it, we just ignored the warnings

So the club decided not to sell the players as they weren’t worth as much as they originally thought .. But that wasn’t seen as any reason to further breach the P&S target of zero.

On the stadium funding issue…. It’s not like this suddenly hit us a few months ago, we’d known about it for years.

So, the question remains, why wasn’t something done about it?
Someone at the club chose not to do anything about an issue that they were fully aware of.

And this is the problem, the club was run by a bunch of absolute cowboys. Literally as incompetent as could be. They’d had very clear warnings about what they were doing wrong and they chose deliberately not to act.

And this is why the punishment is so big. Despite every chance to do something about it and every warning that their assumptions were wrong, Moshiri (I assume it was him chose to ignore it.

For us, the fans, the question of the size of the punishment is of course paramount. Too big we say! Of course, it’s bigger than administration. But we’re going to have to argue as to why it’s too big and we’re going to have to argue as to why the club just ignored warnings at every step of the way.
so, I think we might get a reduction, but I don’t think it will be great, because there’s so many steps where warnings were just ignored.
and guess what? We’re the ones who suffer.

Interesting post. I didn't read parts of the report in quite such a damning tone, or at least I don't think our scope of guilt is as broad as that, but I can see broadly speaking why there would be an appetite to penalise us harshly. I don't agree with it whatsoever, but I think your post also highlights that in terms of our appeal, we are operating in a tight space. We've admitted guilt, so while I - along with most fans - want a scorched earth policy against the PL and anyone complicit with their biased incompetence, our legal team are in a far tighter spot where they can't go in all guns blazing if we want to actually succeed in a meaningful reduction to this punishment.
A proper court of law, with actual ‘independent’ people is what is required. Not this dogs breakfast of a ‘commission’ that had already pre-empted both the result and this nonsense of compensation from clubs they just happen to be who they work with…a complete and utter shambles. I hope the government strips the PL of their oversight and that the current management gets the elbow…..
