6 + 2 Point Deductions

He’s made a pretty silly comms faux pas by not using “so-called” or air quotes or whatever and allowed a clippable moment.

He’s probably not clever enough to have planned it but it’s probably a useful dead cat for him. Less focus on the car crash he’s made of the important stuff and more on the tedious age-old small club / big club debate.
yeah I cringed when I heard it because I knew that's what the headlines and take away from the debate would be. The rest of that panel was brilliant and would help with the perception from fans of other clubs that the PL can't govern themselves, now its just our fans moaning about words and sparking the pointless debate on sizes of clubs
i know mate and this is exactly my point, the FFP is only favouring the "bigger" teams, my original point was teams like united are allowed to make mistake after mistake in the market and continue to try and correct it and they remain fine FFP wise, but us/forest make mistakes and we can;'t correct it, we have to sell of what other assets we have and/or take fines/deductions.

it's a massively flawed system

I agree, the timing aswell, they've only brought it in properly, coincidentally, when the likes of villa, Newcastle and Brighton started threatening the status quo of the brand clubs. Funny how the little coincidence went almost unnoticed by the msm.

Ffps been in for 10 years, the esl clubs have got their new stadiums and bloated squad and it was OK by the prem. Now it's not, make of that what you will

There's no point in panicking until we hear the results of the appeal. It's simply just not worth it. That is my current mindset and I'm happy to spiral if it fails.
I wouldn't even spiral then, wait until we're closer to being mathematically relegated. This won't magically make Sheffield United, Burnley or Luton any better, its completely possible for us to earn 20 more points than them all
The rules / any finace rules will not be fair, unless its done like in the NFL - BUt the top 6 will never ever ever let that happen.

% of income is not fair - As some of the top 6 teams got to those incomes before rules where applied, so gained an advantage.

For me, a MAX spend for Transfers & wages combined is the way to go.
How a club spends it on the fee / wage split, is upto them.
Any over spend punishment will be a % in drop on the following years spending - Futher over spend is refusal to register new players for a period of time.
Other punishmensts should be direct fines for CEO's, major shareholders and/or directors.
Profit on player sales CAN be added to the MAX amount that can be spent.

This for me will really show who has the best scouting, recruitment & coaching/dev teams set up.
As far as I am concerned it should be an NBA style, they have a set amount that a club can spend and they can go over that but have to pay a TAX on any overspend and this has to be footed by the owner and cant be saddled as debt on the club.. say the budget is 100 million you can spend 150 million so you are 50 million over then the owner pays the 50 million along with another 50% of the overspend so another 25 million then this 25 million is sent to grassroots, This would allow owners to spend whatever they want without jepordising the club, even the welthest people would soon get tired of a 50% tax on their spending. A catious owner can stay within the limits a new owner can splash the cash for a few seasons in an attempt to become compeditive and established owners can spend every so often.

I can't be arsed going through all of his previous posts, but I'm willing to bet not one has ever been remotely positive of anything Everton. Even @davek throws in a couple of bouquets among all his brickbats.
@davek trolls hard no question, but he also gets stressed about relegation and financial difficulties, he is also deliriously happy when the RS lose.

@gwladysnight has all the standard fake blue posting patterns, no nuance, copy and paste selective quoting, faux intellectualism and an overwhelming posting frequency during bad news times. Its not up to the mods to call him out and their word on who he supports is far from definitive, its up to posters to stop engaging with him. The best way to deal with these boring provocateurs is to not return any energy to them.

This is a seriously stressful period for blues, I would strongly advise using the ignore function on those looking to prey on your worst fears for the club for their enetertainment. Sadly, some them are also blues.
Was Bill involved at any time during the FFP financial reporting and submission process? Surely he wasn't of sound mind and we could use that in our mitigation. His head swole up the size of a Halloween pumpkin so obviously that will have impacted his ability to cognitively function properly.
@davek trolls hard no question, but he also gets stressed about relegation and financial difficulties, he is also deliriously happy when the RS lose.

@gwladysnight has all the standard fake blue posting patterns, no nuance, copy and paste selective quoting, faux intellectualism and an overwhelming posting frequency during bad news times. Its not up to the mods to call him out and their word on who he supports is far from definitive, its up to posters to stop engaging with him. The best way to deal with these boring provocateurs is to not return any energy to them.

This is a seriously stressful period for blues, I would strongly advise using the ignore function on those looking to prey on your worst fears for the club for their enetertainment. Sadly, some them are also blues.
I've been on this site since day 1 and I've never used the ignore function, but I've used it on this guy
