6 + 2 Point Deductions

I’ve not read the Carragher thing and don’t intend to but there’s nothing wrong with saying the primary blame for all this is Moshiri.

Yes, the sanction is too heavy, yes we’re scapegoats, yes the FFP rules are flawed, but if we’d been run in any way properly by Moshiri we wouldn’t have given the PL the opportunity they needed to scapegoat someone.

There is a long list of people, internal and external, whose actions and decisions have lead to this but the first among them is Moshiri. He has been a cancer in our club and we can only hope it’s not terminal.
I’ve not read the Carragher thing and don’t intend to but there’s nothing wrong with saying the primary blame for all this is Moshiri.

Yes, the sanction is too heavy, yes we’re scapegoats, yes the FFP rules are flawed, but if we’d been run in any way properly by Moshiri we wouldn’t have given the PL the opportunity they needed to scapegoat someone.

There is a long list of people, internal and external, whose actions and decisions have lead to this but the first among them is Moshiri. He has been a cancer in our club and we can only hope it’s not terminal.
Yet he could very well walk away with a massive pay day.
I’ve not read the Carragher thing and don’t intend to but there’s nothing wrong with saying the primary blame for all this is Moshiri.

Yes, the sanction is too heavy, yes we’re scapegoats, yes the FFP rules are flawed, but if we’d been run in any way properly by Moshiri we wouldn’t have given the PL the opportunity they needed to scapegoat someone.

There is a long list of people, internal and external, whose actions and decisions have lead to this but the first among them is Moshiri. He has been a cancer in our club and we can only hope it’s not terminal.
He’s correct, we are the worst run club in England (perhaps Reading, but frankly that’s abandonment not incompetence).

The league are bumbling idiots who set random profit targets which will not have the effect they’d like, if they even know what that is.

Both are true.
I currently don't have anyone on ignore, I can deal with people having a different opinion than me, but @gwladysnight is getting close, I am now 100% certain that this individual is on a wind up and I ask @GrandOldTeam to punt this obvious kopite from the forum, he has dismissed everything that is in Everton's favor and when copying articles to post here cherry picks what's copied just to have a go at Everton.
EDIT just had a look at his posts there is only this thread and the fireworks thread that he's mainly commented on, comments on match threads including our 4 game winning run are basically non existent .. very strange Everton fan this one...

Glad to see the ability to accept differing opinions is still on this forum - as it's increasingly become a rare skill!

If this is the criteria for an "obvious kopite"...

he has dismissed everything that is in Everton's favor and when copying articles to post here cherry picks what's copied just to have a go at Everton.

... then we'd be banning half the forum lol


People who blame inward/place emphasis on the club/and owners/previous board aren't necessary RS WUMs though...

We've had a few reports towards members who I know to be Evertonians.

If they're articulate, and pass our moderator sniff test (we have some tech that helps) - we can't ban just because they go against the grain. I call it the @davek model.

@gwladysnight you are a bit annoying though mate.

Glad to see the ability to accept differing opinions is still on this forum - as it's increasingly become a rare skill!

If this is the criteria for an "obvious kopite"...

... then we'd be banning half the forum lol


If they're articulate, and pass our moderator sniff test (we have some tech that helps) - we can't ban just because they go against the grain. I call it the @davek model.

@gwladysnight you are a bit annoying though mate.
A bit annoying??? He's an utter pest.
I don't know how to keep the issue raised and in the spotlight, I think we have broken the rules but this on field points deduction which effects us fans needs to be part of a media script. Currently only a handful of politicians and pundits want to challenge it and accept that the 'Pyramid' is always right and untouchable.

It might not do any good but I've sent Masters an email asking him to explain the comments. I doubt he will read it but feel pretty useless sitting here doing nothing.

Subject: Clarification and Concerns Regarding Recent Remarks on Everton and Nottingham Forest

Dear Mr. Masters,

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to express concerns regarding your recent remarks during the hearing with the Culture, Media, and Sports committee in Parliament, where you referred to Everton and Nottingham Forest as 'small clubs.' As a dedicated football enthusiast, I believe it is essential to seek clarification on your definition of big and small clubs.

Both Everton and Nottingham Forest boast rich histories, having played pivotal roles in the development of football. Everton, as one of the founding clubs of the Football League, and both clubs, with substantial fan bases, contribute significantly to the sport's tradition. Their trophy-laden pasts further underscore their impact on the footballing world.

In light of your comments, I am keen to understand the criteria you employ to categorize clubs as big or small. It seems pertinent, especially given the substantial historical contributions and passionate fan bases associated with Everton and Nottingham Forest.

Furthermore, there is growing concern among football enthusiasts regarding the perceived discrepancy in disciplinary actions. The lack of sanctions against Manchester City and Chelsea, despite substantial breaches of rules, raises questions about transparency and fairness. If the criteria for categorizing clubs influences such decisions, it is crucial to address these concerns openly.

I appreciate your attention to these matters and kindly request a response directly from you, as it is essential to foster transparency and maintain the integrity of the Premier League.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Well said mate and executed very well.
Having listened live, I thought the small club thing was essentially repeating what the panel member said in their question? Not defending his general demeanour and the rest of the things he said, but that clip is badly out of context. It was prompted, and he stupidly repeated it
How is the Stadium a huge factor?

All legitimate Stadium costs have been allowed as PSR deductions.

Yes. "Legitimate" based on rules that changed midway through.

Hence the argument and debate that the interest on commercial loans we took should also be factored based on the £2.2mill interest charge we argued.

Hence why anything we put through as stadium related should be left. In turn reducing the overall losses.
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They turn over about 600 - 700 mil a year in merchandise tho

i know mate and this is exactly my point, the FFP is only favouring the "bigger" teams, my original point was teams like united are allowed to make mistake after mistake in the market and continue to try and correct it and they remain fine FFP wise, but us/forest make mistakes and we can;'t correct it, we have to sell of what other assets we have and/or take fines/deductions.

it's a massively flawed system
A bit annoying??? He's an utter pest.

He was an annoying pest 4 years ago here too - but to be fair, was on the money with a few things he said about Moshiri. Like so;


I've been moderating for a while, and my instinct is they're a blue.
Whatever way, when ever they say it. The 1st appeal has to have a conclussion, before they even appoint anyone for the 2nd charge. so the quicker the 1st appeal has a result. the quicker they maybe try and do something on 2nd charge, setting up etc. - Ive stuck to end of FEB, sometime in march we would get the results of the 1st charge
i know mate and this is exactly my point, the FFP is only favouring the "bigger" teams, my original point was teams like united are allowed to make mistake after mistake in the market and continue to try and correct it and they remain fine FFP wise, but us/forest make mistakes and we can;'t correct it, we have to sell of what other assets we have and/or take fines/deductions.

it's a massively flawed system
It's not flawed it's doing exactly what it was designed to do, and that is benefit the clubs who happened to be wealthy at the time.
The board already has been “got rid of” Baileyjon you kopite weirdo, shows how much attention you actually pay to this football club while berating people about “not going the game” in the same breath. You don’t even know who is on our board, there’s nobody left bar Moshiri from the board. The CEO, finance director, non exec and chairman have all gone.

Go back to breaking into football stadiums illegally and getting tear gassed you absolute lizard.
You are like a toddler who has been asked to behave in a reasonable manner and who resorts to throwing all of his toys out of the pram.

All that has happened with the board is that Moshiri has got rid of the people who wouldn't go along with his farcical defence in the PSR case and replaced them with people who will. People have just been promoted from within.
