4pm announcement Barkley Signs new 4 year deal [Dont post GIFS]

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My god. This is a very polarising move. We are either going to be jumping about or we are going to melt the Internet into a pool of water and the world will slip into anarchy. We will resort to cavemen days. Our chat up lines with consist of bashing a female to over the head. So naturally, I'm happy either way.
It's like a mock the week question... "What do Everton announce at 4pm?" :Dlol

Bill Kenwright has appointed a succsessor to lead the club into the next era... ladies and gentleman, this candidate has worked wonders and I'm delighted to announce Karl Oyston as our new chairman with immediate effect.

How do they expect me to do any work now? The RSI from the transfer thread was bad enough, can I claim against Everton for personal injury?
Remember when they told us that Goodison was falling down and wouldnt pass a safety inspection for much longer?

I reckon the ground has just been given a 5 year life line by the local council
Imagine it was to announce that we've sold one of Barkley/Stones/McCarthy and it wasn't to announce anything good at all.

FIFA are doing us for drug irregularities after it was discovered that Gibson was only cured using blood infusions taken from the Ginger Wolverine.
I'm surprised they could find a needle strong enough to pierce McCarthy's skin.

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