2022/23 Dele Alli

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If he does well then the Turk club would offer another loan deal. Option to buy? Get in the bin.

I was looking forward to seeing him upfront with DcL this season, it was a chance to get him back in his favourite position and that would have been last chance saloon to get him back to his best.

Unfortunately, with the DcL injury and Dele not even being trusted to start ahead Gordon of all people as a lone striker, his race appears to be run. Whilst it may be crazy to get rid of yet another attacking option whilst we hardly have any to choose from as it stands, we simply cannot allow the looming threat of appearance based add-ons to kick in every time we give him a 10 minute cameo when were chasing a game.

This would be shrewd of Everton to pull the plug on a failed transfer early, rather than letting it drag on. Hopefully we can still manage to get Gomes and Gbamin out the door as well.

I really don't understand this to happen so soon after his arrival, unless Lampard didn't actually choose him. Was it a Kenwright / DBB / someone else decision, and Lampard just accepted it ? Last season he was a sub made sense, but now after 6 months and a pre-season, he either has to be unfit still, or it's not Lampard's choice
It reeks of Moshiri this signing.

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