2022/23 Anthony Gordon

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Things can look good on paper but we need and out and out goalscorer and those players don't provide that. Midfield and defence are completely irrelevant while we have the least goal threat in the division. That gets a side relegated regardless of defence.

It's not like we have a world class defence either. We just improved it a bit, but still have conceded 2 poor goals to an average Villa side. The idea nothing is getting through our defence is just clearly not true.

If people would stop buzzing over new signings every time we sign someone, then we might get some reality back at this club. People don't even care who we are signing, just that there is a shiny new player to obsess over. How about we judge the recruitment on its merits and how it will help fix our weaknesses rather than getting carried away in July before we've even won a point or scored a goal.
Defense is ok now but a midfield with Iwobi and Davies.... LOL

I'm not saying that "we're a better team". I suppose that what I'm saying is that the 'bad' Brands window and the 'aggressive' Brands window put us in a position where, given the legacy of the disastrous Koeman/Walsh window, we were going to end up having to sell assets because we were just a mess all over the pitch. We were down to very few positions where any of us considered the team up to standard, and we were sell-to-buy. The only way to improve from that position is to sell assets and reinvest wisely.

Rico was never staying once we collapsed, and we had to sell someone to remain compliant with league rules. James was a gamble that didn't work out, in the sense that we didn't end up getting enough return on wages and faced a strong risk of getting even less the next season. Digne was a move that was more or less forced - we simply cannot be starting Coleman on the regular because we can't keep him healthy when we do, so we had to do something on that side somehow. We hedged the Myko bet with Vinagre, which was smart.

Here's a good analogy: suppose we're two doctors looking at the same illness and recommending different courses of treatment. You don't think my experimental treatment will work. I think it gives the patient better odds of survival, given the present progress of the disease. I don't think what happened in the last twelve months is at all relevant to what we should do now, except in the sense that I think that the disease has progressed to the point where the experimental treatment is the only option that stands a reasonable chance of working.

Oh i think we understand the reasons mate, im very clear on them while i dont agree with some of your analysis above particularly around some of the players i raised in primary post - i think we can both agree we have been a financial mess - largely of our own making, my position it isnt the signings - its te cost they created which are reoccurring as opposed to being dealt with, by just selling players. We could easily sell Richarlison and Gordon this year for £100 mill and still £80 mill this year - just where we are now. So the same problems will reoccur next year.

The analogy is a simple one, lets say the patient is dealing with the the threat of survival, do you treat aggressively minmising their quality of life or do you give them a choice to go out and enjoy a quality of life and try and take opportunity where they can find it. This time next year the experimental treatment may have a greater % or working - i.e. selling Gordon.

Ultimately i see if we continue down this course of treatment i see a terminal decline. I mean given where we finished last season, we have just sold Richalrision - haven't replaced him, we are maybe going to sell Gordon - with two weeks to go in the window and weve lost DCL hopefully only until Oct - again what do people expect to happen?

I keep hearing "reinvesting wisely" - thats just a buzz word - there are two weeks left in the window from today, the market is at its end, there is a liited stock of players now and teams know we have 45 mill to invest - they will screw us. Your looking at swapping a Che Adams and a french striker for Gordon, wich makes me ill. We have to build a whole new forward line (probably 3 players) out of 45 mill - 45 mill wont get you a decent inside forward or striker tyo be compatible with the quality we have taken out of the team. We dont look like scoring if we are playing a game for a year.

All the while people are clapping away saying what great business we have done, we have lost every ounce of any creativity, guile or threat we had in the last three windows and are continuing to do it - its bananas - we cant score. What are people expecting to happen?
Our board are easily the worst in the PremilerLeague. Our club, for one of it's size is probably one of the worst run clubs in Europe . They get almost everything wrong, they can't even handle a kit launch without screwing up and that's why (and I can't believe I'm sort of defending them here) I just don't believe they would force a player, against his will to pretend to want to leave just so they don't get the flack. That takes a degree of planning and forward thinking that they have been proven to be incapable of... especially in the age of social media where everyone knows everything.

I have no idea whether Gordon wants to stay or go, personally I don't care. He's part of a team that has consistently under performed the last 3 seasons and I've said repeatably that'd sell any one of our players if a proper offer came in.
I'd imagine if given the choice between CL footie and another season fighting for an optimistic mid-table finish he'd choose Champions League, and lets not forget this is a kid that walked into Carlo Ancelotti's office and demanded more game time so he clearly believes in his ability and I'm sure he'll believe he can force his way into Chelsea's team.
From the clubs point of view, if we are offered 50 million for an academy product (who lets be brutally honest, works hard but with very little end product. I would certainly question the club were we bidding £50m for him) then it's going to be tempting. That's pure profit and it could revamp our incredibly goal shy front line. Of course the concern, to go back to my earlier point about the club being poorly run - just because we suddenly have 50m doesn't mean we'll have any idea how to spend it wisely. Moshiri will probably spuff it all on El Ghazi.

If the club reject the offer and he's told to stay then great, we keep a young talent with potential and we only need to replace 2 attackers rather than 3. If he goes, thanks for the money... we move on, but whatever happens, needs to happen asap.

Relegation battle in August. Heard it all now. Think we lost the first 2/3 in 84-85 season. ?
It’s not based on losing the first two, it’s based on barely staying up last year, losing Richy’s goals with no replacement and now an injured Dom, who can’t seem to stay healthy. I see more fight in Fulham, Forest and Leeds at this point. Battle on.
We survived because we had a few players who managed to drag a result out in crucial games, we have sold two of those.

How's the clapping acoustics in BMD sound when it's half empty when Sunderland are visiting on a Saturday avvie

Its big picture stuff mate, look at who we've sold we've asset stripped the squad bare of any guile creativity and threat.

We've lost Bernard, Rodriguiz, Digne, Gylfi, Richarlison and maybe Gordon - while DCL has been cocked for a calendar year.

Given how we finished last season - we couldnt score - we needed to add to what we had not sell more of it - its bananas.

I honestly dont know how people can think selling Gordon improves our situation at all systemically, we should be up in arms.

We're actually clapping our own demise.
To everyone advocating selling for 45m (ignoring the ones who reckon 30 is brilliant)
Say that's all up front (rumour was the 40m was only 25m pus add-ons btw)

And thinking we can rebuild with it and be far better selling.

Some math Gordon's cost currently is around 900k per season on wages no payments we are still paying as he's an academy lad - so 45m + wages let's call it 46m on P&S.

Gomes costs us 9m this season and 9m next, Gbanim costs us around 8m this. Mina costs us around 9m, McNeil is long term a 30-35m hit against P&S. Dele this season will cost us roughly 15m on P&S

So Gomes, Gbanim, Mina and Dele this sesson will be 41m in costs.

We aren't selling to strengthen we are selling to pay for ineptitude.

We won't be spending 50-100m funded by Gordon going, we'll do a couple of loans, one maybe two average signings we won't be bringing in Broja or Gallagher or MGW, or Terrier etc

The underlying financial issue is wages and him going leaves that problem there and probably makes it worse - you want to lose your unproductive high earners not your productive low earners.

Can't believe how many on here think selling is anything other than us admitting we are gonna try to scrape survival whilst selling any asset we can - it's gonna be a very very difficult season again, and after relying on the fans to drag them to safety again, they will try the same trick this sesson only with a weaker side

Stand a and applauds - this is it!

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