Takeover bid by Peter Kenyon

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I know what this is, its another fishing trip like with Niasse being the first retro ban for diving.
We're goin belly up to whoever so the FA can fail the bid on right and proper persons grounds. They look tough, we've done em a favour, FFP gets swept, and we get a bit of profile. Everyones a winner baby thats no lie.
I hope you’re wrong.

But as it goes, and we’ve seen the big sides push for what they want until they get it.

Whether that’s 5 Subs, Winter Break, Cup replays Scrapped.

The thing which makes the Premier League the most fantastic of the “Elite” leagues is the even distribution of TV Money. We’ve seen the growing gulf already so extra revenue, will only increase the gulf, like we see in Spain, Germany and France.

You can’t make a league with 6 teams.
Agreed and the gap will only grow, our only chance to break the gap was a few years ago now, we were the only club that could do it, now the window has shut and the top6 are and always will be levels above the rest of the league and the gap will only grow.
The political associations is nothing to do with it. The Liverpool lot were close to Trump.

The issue is their motives. This one with EFC is a leveraged buyout and that spells danger.

This is my big concern, the clubs is a basket case, it’s drip fed by 200mil investment a year by a looney owner, removing that is going to be fast, hard and painful - we are utterly dependent on that finance, the club can’t spend money and invest in footballers due to profit and sustainability. Therefore there is absolutely no way you’d touch this business, if you couldn’t raise finance and get someone else to pay it back. We’re just not attractive as an investment, so there is an alternative revenue raising strategy here.

Nothing good can come from from this at all, best outcome here is Moshiri stays and continues to write massive cheuqes and clean up the mess he’s created. Looks like he’s cutting his losses to me, he doesn’t want to pump 200 million into us a year anymore.

Think of this though, Moshiri has appointed 6 permanent managers almost one a year since he’s been here, based on that judgement and analysis in decision making, do we really trust him to pick the best owner for Evertons Wellbeing?

I’ll get the markers and sheets.

The thing is, that sort of raider makes no sense here. I also think the PL have/has outlawed it.

Burnley had cash on the balance sheet, we dont.

If Americans have interest in us, its likely to be because they think they can turn round a poorly performing asset, and alongside competent management and a new ground build a successful team. Probably also grow a fanbase in the US.

I'm not saying I want them, and frankly the Qataris would be a game changer (akin to Newcastle and City). They would obviously be better.

Think we've missed the boat there with PSG owned by the Qatar SWF - dont think they could get away with owning 2x clubs in Europe particularly if we ever got into european competition.

I imagine our best hope is a Dubai Royal or Chinese state backed group.
Think we've missed the boat there with PSG owned by the Qatar SWF - dont think they could get away with owning 2x clubs in Europe particularly if we ever got into european competition.

I imagine our best hope is a Dubai Royal or Chinese state backed group.

I'd imagine they can find away around it.

China and/or Dubai would also be very good.

Indeed Citys owners own multiple clubs.
That’s the problem with the modern game, clubs cannot be successful with only real fans, you need to attract tourists and plastic fans to succeed as they will buy from the club for one game and 1 game only and others will as well. Sad modern football has ended this way, franchises are the way to go.
Also Brantley Moore would help and attract tourists on the dock, host concerts and international and hopefully there can be places we as a club can sell merchandise, that’s one bigger step than what people make it out to be towards growing a brand and being able to spend more.


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This is my big concern, the clubs is a basket case, it’s drip fed by 200mil investment a year by a looney owner, removing that is going to be fast, hard and painful, the club can’t spend money and invest in footballers. There is absolutely no way you’d touch this business, if you couldn’t raise finance and get someone else to pay it back. We’re just not attractive as an investment, so there is an alternative revenue raising strategy here.

Nothing good can come from from this at all, best outcome here is Moshiri stays and continuous to write massive cheuqes and clean up the mess he’s created. Looks like he’s cutting his losses to me, he doesn’t want to pump 200 million into us a year anymore.

Think of this though, Moshiri has appointed 6 permanent managers almost one a year since he’s been here, based on that judgement and analyse in decision making, do we really trust him to pick the best owner for Evertons Wellbeing?

I’ll get the markers and sheets.
He get his money back as all he does is gets more shares and sell them for more money, think he’s put around 676 million in so he want 700 for us probably.
Agreed and the gap will only grow, our only chance to break the gap was a few years ago now, we were the only club that could do it, now the window has shut and the top6 are and always will be levels above the rest of the league and the gap will only grow.

I think if you allow it, and it’s going to happen.

They’re not soft.

But when it happens, they’ve basically come the European Super League and we’ve allowed it.

10 CL games, mass subscriptions, sheer excess of finances. Football is more or less finished.
Your'e mad to be this blinkered.

THey have even asset stripped Burnley fgs and they do not have the likes of DCL,Rich,Pickford and Bramley moore. New owners could buy the club, put all the debt back on to the club and sell the assets and trouser the cash. Mosh, for all his faults has done the complete opposite. Like I said...be careful what you wish for. There is very common American busniess model all over the world where they buy companies, strip the assests and the companies fold. I am shocked you are so naive

No one is saying it WLL happen but it is a disctinct possibilty and certainly worse than what we have now
It’s basically the sub plot of Pretty Woman ?

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