2021/22 Andre Gomes

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He could get a few years in Portugal on a reasonable wage. If he stays with us he is going to be a bit player until his career falls away in front of him. Surely any footballer would want to play, I know some don't when there is large sums involved but surely he can still command a good wage and play in a league that is less demanding than the Premier League. Looks like a win win to me.
He could get a few years in Portugal on a reasonable wage. If he stays with us he is going to be a bit player until his career falls away in front of him. Surely any footballer would want to play, I know some don't when there is large sums involved but surely he can still command a good wage and play in a league that is less demanding than the Premier League. Looks like a win win to me.
He could get a few years in Portugal on a reasonable wage. If he stays with us he is going to be a bit player until his career falls away in front of him. Surely any footballer would want to play, I know some don't when there is large sums involved but surely he can still command a good wage and play in a league that is less demanding than the Premier League. Looks like a win win to me.
Maybe if he loses that fat arse
Hopefully gets a move just will never work out here. Hopefully is the end of this sort of deals at the club useless players on big deals

We need a transfer fee of at least £8.8m to avoid an accounting loss on him - that might be possible, but I'd expect we would need to subsidise his massive wages
Wouldn’t the loss just be shown against a depreciation of assets rather than as a loss in P&L terms? Not an accountant so forgive my ignorance.
Wouldn’t the loss just be shown against a depreciation of assets rather than as a loss in P&L terms? Not an accountant so forgive my ignorance.
No. His book value depreciates Ofer the life of his contract. We bought him for £22m and he has a five year contract. So his value reduces by one fifth of 22m per year. He still has two years left, so his book value is £8.8m. We can’t sell him for less than that without it hitting the P&L account.
Wouldn’t the loss just be shown against a depreciation of assets rather than as a loss in P&L terms? Not an accountant so forgive my ignorance.
The asset depreciates in value each year. The book value starts at the original transfer fee for the player (£22m for Gomes) and is spread across the length of the contract (5 years in this case), so when you get to a position of having 2 years left on the deal the player's value on the books is £8.8m - that means from a P&L point of view, anything you sell above that gets posted as a profit, anything below is a loss. If you sold Gomes for £20m (laughable, but stay with me), you get a strange situation where you've made an actual loss on the player but can post a significant profit on him.

In our situation, there are two priorities - get the wage bill down and avoid any losses on the books. I can see a situation here where we let him go for enough that we avoid a loss on the books, but we agree to part-fund his remaining wages

We need a transfer fee of at least £8.8m to avoid an accounting loss on him - that might be possible, but I'd expect we would need to subsidise his massive wages
I don’t doubt you. But I am interested to know where this information on the accounting losses ect. A lot of forum members seem very clued up on it
It’s funny to mention Schneiderlin because literally 3 or 4 others came to mind my even before him. I suppose he’s one of the few that actually made the smart decision and still plays at a decent level because he got out early enough.

I look at Bolasie, Besic, Tosun and Delph as examples of players that did the opposite and made the stupid decision of rinsing us for as much money as possible but then finding out how hard it was to get any sort of decent money after leaving. Bolasie was on good money here and realistically should still be playing for a decent Championship side or maybe low PL side making far better money than he is now, Besic the same should be a starter for a good championship club but instead he’s in like Hungary or something, Tosun and Delph will honestly be lucky to get a fifth of the wages that they got here because of the way they carried on.

They were all so short sighted, focused on getting the big money from us instead of consistent good money which would’ve been more lucrative for the 5 years after us. Gomes should be smart enough to know this because he’s played for big clubs. Much better for his own sake to get out now while he still has some marketability to a club and make a name for when he’s in his 30s unlike those 4 wasters I mentioned who absolutely pissed away their primes because we paid them well.
I think you have nailed it.

If Gomes has any desire to have an extended career at a decent level he gets out now and plays ( in say the Portuguese league where he might look ok).

He might get a 5 year contract on lower wages but at least it will extend his playing and earning career by 3 years.

If he sits on his contract here for 2 years and doesn't play then it will be tough dow the line to get fixed up with a Porto or Benfica.

I could envisage a transfer fee of £10m to show a P&L profit but that we pay 50% of his current wage to make his wage affordable to his new club.
We need a transfer fee of at least £8.8m to avoid an accounting loss on him - that might be possible, but I'd expect we would need to subsidise his massive wages
This is exactly the problem with not just him but a number of others in the team. The wages will stop them all moving unless we subsidise them which to be fair would be the best solution all round, but its finding a club that will do that.

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