Fans in general

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I’m not saying we all need to be 100% positive all the time. Of course it’s ok to express bad feelings as well as good.

But the ones that are 100% negative all of the time need calling out in my opinion.

I mean, we’re leaning on Dave for positivity here. We’re through the looking glass people.

Is this an intervention???
Didn't know where to post this , but I thought this was a more fitting place , though its not a negative post .
I was looking for tickets for Everton v Wolves , couldn't get my hand on any so I reverted to GOT'S very own resale thread from a very sound guy named @paulf . Drove from North Wales to The Harington coffee lounge & sandwich bar in Formby , to grab the tickets . Upon arrival he greated me with a beer on the house ? though I had coffee as I was driving , but never the less , such a generous offer . I also decided we had a bit of time so decided to stay for Pizza , honestly ... was spot on ! I went for the veggie option, was banging ? So , its really just a Thank you to Paul , very much appreciated !! If you find yourself unable to attend another game, I'm your guy for the tickets and pizza ??
Didn't know where to post this , but I thought this was a more fitting place , though its not a negative post .
I was looking for tickets for Everton v Wolves , couldn't get my hand on any so I reverted to GOT'S very own resale thread from a very sound guy named @paulf . Drove from North Wales to The Harington coffee lounge & sandwich bar in Formby , to grab the tickets . Upon arrival he greated me with a beer on the house ? though I had coffee as I was driving , but never the less , such a generous offer . I also decided we had a bit of time so decided to stay for Pizza , honestly ... was spot on ! I went for the veggie option, was banging ? So , its really just a Thank you to Paul , very much appreciated !! If you find yourself unable to attend another game, I'm your guy for the tickets and pizza ??
Glad you found some joy in what was a truly dismal day

There were a few around me moaning and groaning from the first whistle to the very end. I’m not one to tell fans how to support the team but it does grate on me I have to say. So much negativity, it’s just a self fulfilling prophecy isn’t it. Can you blame them though? I think as soon as I saw the team sheet I was really disappointed and then to see them play some kind of 523 or whatever it was supposed to be, you just know what’s coming. Really disappointed in Lampards set up for the last 2 games, it now looks like we’re going backwards already. There’s enough games left to get the points, we have to get behind the team and hope for the best. If we continue to groan at every mistake we are well and truly doomed.

No we are not.

We are where we are due to shocking mismanagement, not only of the first team but of everything relating to it, recruitment policy etc, and it's all down to one man.
I think sometimes we believe we are still a top team that should be challenging for a CL place or minimum a Europa place
In reality we are a team that is mid table with odd years we’re we over achieve
As supporters we are very good at blaming chairman, managers, DOF, U21 set up…. I could go on
The reality of it all is we have simply just fell down the pecking order, and if honest we can all give different reasons why

Everton really concern me, and that concern has deepened over the last 5 years
Great article. Thanks for posting. ;)
Yes brilliant story and not just about football but a little boys interest in Everton, the city of Liverpool and where his dad and grandparents grew up in and how he couldn’t get enough of all of the history of his family, Everton and how he loves coming to Liverpool and hearing all the family history being passed down to him, a little Londoner but half Scouse by the sound of this lovely little boy.

Thanks Davec for bringing it to our attention.
Hello very much

I’ve never been one to blame the fans for us being currently crap, and certainly not those in the ground.

I’ve always been sympathetic to those who boo at the end of a half.

However I can’t help but thinking this sort of stuff really doesn’t help anyone’s frame of mind;

I mean, he says he’s joking once pulled up but when I said a few weeks ago that once a manager loses his 100% record he’s done for I think I was closer to the bone than even I thought.

We have become the poisoned chalice we always feared and I can’t help think it’s in part down to this.

We have all developed the attention span of goldfish. Instant outrage and extreme reactions are all the rage these days
The absolute nerve of these people staggers me. They've undermined Everton all season and been prepared to take the gamble that they could unseat the manager and crater our season - and time it so that an acceptable manager to them could come in to save the day.

Well their calculation didn't come off, and here we are.

As said pages back here: my conscience is clear...
The fact you openly wanted us to lose to City and Chelsea in order to scupper Liverpool is, as far as I can tell, a good definition for 'undermined'
You were openly supporting Benitez ripping the club apart, his best stat being 'more people fired than games won'
Most of us gave him a chance, but could see clearly he was negative, destructive, completely devoid of fresh ideas, living on past laurels and arrogant to boot.
You continued to support him up to the last because you enjoyed the wanton, directionless breaking up of staff and sacking off of our most creative players
Don't talk about 'undermining' as if you didn't. If your conscience is clear, it is broken!

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