2021/22 James Rodriguez

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.... *starts subway diet
I’m left wondering why Benitez wouldn’t like him though? There must be a reason why, I mean first impressions go a long way.
What is there not to like?
1. Lazy, doesn't defend, no pace at all.
2. Doesn't take instructions, on or off the pitch (unless the FSW asked him to go on holiday, smoke, drink)
3. Easily injured: probably because he doesn't adhere to strict revalidation schemes
4. Easy press leak: not good for dressing room atmosphere.
5. Generally disinterested in the city & Everton: jets off whenever he feels like it, doesn't know the opposing team...

We all know the type of fellow, there is a James Rodriguez in most companies ;) Good looks & talent can only get you so far...
What is there not to like?
1. Lazy, doesn't defend, no pace at all.
2. Doesn't take instructions, on or off the pitch (unless the FSW asked him to go on holiday, smoke, drink)
3. Easily injured: probably because he doesn't adhere to strict revalidation schemes
4. Easy press leak: not good for dressing room atmosphere.
5. Generally disinterested in the city & Everton: jets off whenever he feels like it, doesn't know the opposing team...

We all know the type of fellow, there is a James Rodriguez in most companies ;) Good looks & talent can only get you so far...
But I want to see him live :(:p

Should be used regularly as a sub coming on when our more workmanlike players have done the hard yards but to break the tiring opposition we need guile. Hopefully a few starts when fully fit and on form.

It's crazy to think that Benitez wouldn't find a method to utilise all the squad at his disposal to give us a chance to maximise the points we can win.
Should be used regularly as a sub coming on when our more workmanlike players have done the hard yards but to break the tiring opposition we need guile. Hopefully a few starts when fully fit and on form.

It's crazy to think that Benitez wouldn't find a method to utilise all the squad at his disposal to give us a chance to maximise the points we can win.
Stop talking sense fella, that's won't fly here (unlike James!).

Looks like the club/Benitez/agent/James* are still trying to engineer a move to Turkey.....idiotic outside the transfer window imo.

*Delete where applicable, depending on what side of fence you're on.
It's mental that we have played 4 games and this fellas page count is approaching 240 pages yet hasn't kicked a ball!

200+ pages of bickering.

He's an Everton player. I'm happy he's now available to play.

I'm disappointed for Everton AND James that a move couldn't be arranged for him. Better for both parties.
The problem my friend:"They didnt find somebody dumb enough to take him and .....pay him!

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