Homepage Article Brands Renews Contract

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I choose to believe differently.

And the truth is, we shot down the big picture discussions, we released the strongest possible statement against the plans and our CEO and owner have called for sanctions against the clubs, while others have stayed silent.

We have been excellent throughout this. Highest of standards.
Brands in, then.
Welcome to another 3 years of gaping holes in various squad positions, average slow players who have been bought for over inflated prices amd come the end of 3 yes, still no real competition for Dom.
Awful news
Welcome to another 3 years of gaping holes in various squad positions, average slow players who have been bought for over inflated prices amd come the end of 3 yes, still no real competition for Dom.
Awful news
Yes he is finally getting rid of those from the Walsh era. Has done a good job to offload quite a few of them but is still clearing up the mess to allow the better players to come in. ;)

He has spent more time trying to get players out of the club than in since he arrived.
That issue is nearly resolved now and the focus can be on further strengthening the squad.

These have been average signings but On balance there have been enough good signings and signings with good potential to give encouragement for the future.
WE have seen Diane,Gomez,Mina,Godfrey,Nkonkou,Braithwaite,Richardson Allan,Doucoure,JR all arrive and I think they outweigh by dome distance the poorer signings.
Does anyone else feel that the timing is more than a little coincidental?

If it's true that Woodward was finally out anyway, then clearly the holdup on the contract was the negotiation with them over being the successor. It makes sense for him to want to move there if he was actually going to have control and be able to clean house.

So after they spectacularly cack up, he says no thanks, I'm not walking into that mess and renews with us.

I look at that and say, "Well played." That's good stewardship of his own career. It suggests that he, in fact, does know what he is doing.
Does anyone else feel that the timing is more than a little coincidental?

If it's true that Woodward was finally out anyway, then clearly the holdup on the contract was the negotiation with them over being the successor. It makes sense for him to want to move there if he was actually going to have control and be able to clean house.

So after they spectacularly cack up, he says no thanks, I'm not walking into that mess and renews with us.

I look at that and say, "Well played." That's good stewardship of his own career. It suggests that he, in fact, does know what he is doing.
Am I reading this correctly? You are congratulating him for doing something that you just completely made up?

Does anyone else feel that the timing is more than a little coincidental?

If it's true that Woodward was finally out anyway, then clearly the holdup on the contract was the negotiation with them over being the successor. It makes sense for him to want to move there if he was actually going to have control and be able to clean house.

So after they spectacularly cack up, he says no thanks, I'm not walking into that mess and renews with us.

I look at that and say, "Well played." That's good stewardship of his own career. It suggests that he, in fact, does know what he is doing.
Why would Man Utd want to employ Brands? He's hardly done particularly well here.
Am I reading this correctly? You are congratulating him for doing something that you just completely made up?

It was pretty widely reported months ago that he was talking to them, with Woodward rumored to be stepping back from day-to-day but not leaving entirely. That seemed odd - United with Woodward looking over his shoulder seemed like a poisoned chalice. But it was possible that he was just establishing his market value.

It was always strange that the renewal contract sat and sat.

The story hinges on Woodward's stepping down having been in the works for a while, rather than being a reaction to what happened with a face-saving cover story. I'm not sure that I believe that.

But it would explain a substantial amount of otherwise inexplicable weirdness, and it hangs together.

Not saying that we can prove it, mind, short of the principals all admitting it publicly after the fact.

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