2020/21 Niels Nkounkou

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Why do I keep reading people say this guy can cover CB

....think he actually looks a great left sided attacking option. Physicality to go past players like they aren’t there, he continually got into the space behind their back four. Effortless. Rolls Royce mover. No idea of his worth as a defender but that was a ‘wow performance’ for me.
....think he actually looks a great left sided attacking option. Physicality to go past players like they aren’t there, he continually got into the space behind their back four. Effortless. Rolls Royce mover. No idea of his worth as a defender but that was a ‘wow performance’ for me.
He played that game last night as if it meant something to him
Gordon and Bernard were the only other 2 who looked as though it meant something

....think he actually looks a great left sided attacking option. Physicality to go past players like they aren’t there, he continually got into the space behind their back four. Effortless. Rolls Royce mover. No idea of his worth as a defender but that was a ‘wow performance’ for me.

If Brands can unearth 1 of these every season whilst allowing Ancelotti to have a say in the more experienced players we purchase, we won't be far wrong when it comes to a plan.

Nkounkou certainly looked like a player last night. Defensively we will have to see but offensively he was very confident on the ball, very aware of the space him and Gordon were occupying.

A very promising debut.

You've already got Thierry Small taking over from nkounkou lol

Early days for both but nkounkou looks a real prospect. yes only against Neville's drinking partners but still I'm sure they had abit of hunger for the bev money . But on that note if you like his style of play then we do have a "small" chance of another prospect with a similar playing style stepping up (with more dribbling I'd say)

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