New Everton Stadium Discussion

Rather us sell out every game and make a tonne of money commercially rather than push it too far and have empty seats.

The capacity is not the major reason for the new ground, its the revenue from the facilities that is needed.

It says on the People's Project that it can/will be 62k with safe standing. That's perfect. Having it 62k and not having the additional £150-200m to increase the seating capacity by 10k is genuis. We would have been looking at Tottenham levels of build cost.


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It can go up to 60k when Safe standing comes in, but as @AndyC mentioned, it all depends on the ratios. It's proven to be safe at a 2:1 ratio in Germany so eventually I think we will see that in England.
A rise to 60k purely on safe standing is highly unlikely mate, there's already strong feeling within the H&S authorities, police and likely Westminster that if SS is approved, it will almost certainly only be to 1:1.
It was that waster Keith Harris who suggested the capacity could rise, but he never offered any kind of explanation as to how.

A rise to 60k purely on safe standing is highly unlikely mate, there's already strong feeling within the H&S authorities, police and likely Westminster that if SS is approved, it will almost certainly only be to 1:1.
It was that waster Keith Harris who suggested the capacity could rise, but he never offered any kind of explanation as to how.

I dont think it'll ever go as high as 62k but I am confident it will increase *at some point* in the future. I think the 1:1 suggestion is to try and say well 'Football fans would rather stand, that is fine, this is safe to do so, but we want to ensure it is purely for the fans benefit and not for the football club to earn more money". Which I'm mostly fine with.

I'm not cynical enough to go against what has actually been put forward by the club and suggesting they are chatting wham (don't get me wrong, in the past this has been completely fair thing to do). I think it's good planning personally, at some point safe standing is going to come in, and at some point it will increase the capacity. I also don't believe they would have put this point across like they have if it wasn't a strong possibility, these are people who have done the research into it. I also don't think we would sell 60k every week *at the moment* either so it's the logical way of doing it.

I am massively excited for this. It looks fantastic, has history to it, has the clubs DNA in it. Carlo to sort things on the pitch for the next 2-3 years, stadium will be on its way and we can really progress. Not only that, it is going to absolutely transform a part of Liverpool that is in desperate need for it and benefit, not just Everton fans, but Liverpool fans and Liverpool citizens and be a major boost for the City.

What a fantastic Christmas.
Flythrough of new Everton stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock

Final stadium designs revealed ahead of planning application submission

For many reasons today is a major milestone in the history of our great football club.

I’m delighted to be able to share with you some images of the stunning final proposed designs for our potential new home at Bramley-Moore Dock. These images form part of the detailed formal planning application for the 52,000 seater stadium that will be submitted today to Liverpool City Council.

From its inception, we’ve always believed that this project can be a game-changer for North Liverpool – truly transformational, kick-starting the regeneration of the northern docklands, contributing a £1bn boost to the city region’s economy, creating up to 15,000 jobs and attracting 1.4m visitors to the city each year.

The vast amount of feedback and overwhelming support we received through our consultation has shown that the people of Liverpool understand that The People’s Project isn’t just about a new football ground – it’s about regeneration, jobs and social value.

At the heart of our stadium proposal is a stunning brick, steel and glass stadium which takes its inspiration from the nearby historic maritime and warehouse buildings.

Feedback from our record-breaking public consultation, which you and others attended in your thousands, alongside a range of detailed technical assessments have helped us to evolve the design. It means the multi-storey car park has been relocated from its previous waterfront location and integrated within the stadium to create one impressive standalone structure, while additional environmental measures, including wind baffles, have been incorporated into the final proposals.

The design of both the North and South stand lower tiers will make it possible to adopt rail seating and, should legislation change in the future, they could be converted into areas for safe standing.

We have invested an enormous amount of resource and effort in creating this design, that not only respects and looks at home in a dockland setting but will restore and preserve the historic features of the dock and, importantly, open a currently inaccessible site to the public.

Getting this right has always been our priority. Bramley-Moore Dock sits in the city’s World Heritage Site and its status as a Conservation Area have been fundamental to our thinking. We have worked closely with Liverpool City Council and heritage organisations as the plans have evolved and our final proposals include a significant amount of environmental remediation work, along with measures to restore and preserve key aspects of the dock.

This includes the site’s Grade II Listed Hydraulic Tower which would be restored to create a unique visitor offer, attracting tourists on non-matchdays; and a water channel to the west of the stadium will be maintained to ensure the visual continuity of the dock system – a key feature of the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. .

To see a fly-through of our proposed stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock please click here.

We are immensely proud to submit these proposals for what I believe is one of the most exciting development projects in world football.

Once again on behalf of Everton Football Club let me thank for your continued support, commitment and passion and may I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Colin Chong
Stadium Development Director
Everton Football Club

