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We got some injustice against us it's junkyard the Huddersfield one is just a bad performances. We should be a few places higher e
5 out of 10.

I know we are unbeaten but when you consider the teams we have played so far, we could very easily be on 12 points i.e joint top. Not because we are a top 6 team because we are not and nowhere near that yet but the teams we have played so far have been mostly average or poor and we could have won all of them but for our own carelessness and sloppy defending. There are plenty of positives of course but the negatives are not being addressed so it has to go down as a disappointing start to the season for me and i want to see an improvement defensive wise very quickly. We are not learning from our mistakes.

The defensive issues have got to be sorted out urgently before it costs us any more points. The exact same thing is happening every game and opponents are reaping the rewards. If that means that Silva has to go against how he normally likes to play then so be it, he has to put that philosophy on hold temporarily for now and just get it sorted, whatever it takes. It is insane to carry on doing the same thing every game and expect a different result. Pre-season is for practising that sort of thing, not after the season has started when you throw away very important points in a league which can be very unforgiving particularly to naivety.

I keep saying this but I reckon a load of our players hate our fans.

Could you be arsed getting booed all the time , honestly. If I was a footballer I would go home after every game that happened and tell my missus that the fans are all bellends

I very much doubt the majority of the players in ANY prem team give two hoots what the fans think. I believe it to be highly unlikely that anyone who was getting paid £40k / £50k a week would give even a moment's thought to a few thousand people booing them for 90 mins every three or four days. It's simply unrealistic to believe that anyone getting paid that amount of money would be bothered at the idea of the average man in the street holding a negative opinion of them.

6/10 - room for improvement in defence & with set pieces but TBF we're 4 games into the season & we haven't lost. Its not been perfect but its a damn sight better to the it was under RK or BFS last season. We've still got to see most of the signings play in anger but what's been there so far (richarlison, digne & zouma) are all showing as good additions (minus the stupid red card).
This really, have some patience ffs.
Given that, prior to the season beginning, the vast majority of people on here acknowledged that Silva required time, not to mention fans patience, to turn things around, it's disappointing, although not entirely unexpected, to see the number of low grading's in this thread just 4 games into the season.

Silva is trying to implement a more attacking system which will take time anyway, but is doing so with currently a third of the squad unavailable through injury/suspension and half of our new signings still to play a part. He's also trying to implement a new system of defending set pieces, which goes against everything the players have been brought up on, so that is going to take time. The fact that 80% of goals conceded have come from set pieces is both frustrating and encouraging in equal measures. Because when the players do become comfortable with the system, which they eventually will, then we should start to see more clean sheets.

I think it's also fair to say that we've been on the receiving end of some harsh refereeing calls that have been almost game defining. Not saying that the decisions have been 100% wrong, but a different referee could easily have called them different and we've already seen other worse incidents go unpunished this season.

When I saw the relatively easy start to the season, my initial thoughts were, brilliant, that gives Silva some breathing space to get the new players and his new systems bedded in. That's exactly how things have panned out. Yes, yesterdays game in particular was disappointing, but can I remind you that the way Huddersfield set up was exactly what we ourselves were doing just a few months ago. Think on that for a few moments. Plus the players you would want on the pitch to open them up, like Richarlison, Bernard and Lookman, were either unavailable or not fit to start.

Four games in we are still unbeaten. In each game we have been the better team, and could, and arguably should, have come away with maximum points. I would much rather that, than be in a position whereby I felt we were lucky to be on 6 points.

So far, I think it's fair to say, that 3 of our summer signings have all shown themselves to be upgrades on what we had. In fact I really believe 2 of the 3 will become fans favourites and possibly even outshine the Baines/Pienaar left side axis that entertained us for so long. Personally, I'm equally excited about the 3 that haven't even played yet and I fully expect Mina in particular to give us many memorable moments (positive ones might I add).

We just need to give the new manager and players more time to get things right, and have a bit more patience than the knee jerk reactions on here have shown so far.

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