Dan Meis Workshop

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So what makes either of you so sure? Listened to the Mayor the other day with the Blue Room, and whilst very promising still some doubt; not least the possibility of Moshiri pulling the plug on the stadium, the WHS (still not that important in my opinion) council loan approval and the funding shortfall required form Moshiri or the private sector.

These drawings are a start and certainly see, to line up with the previous drawings that we have seen from Buro Happold. I won't get particularly excited though until I see full renders on the dock blended in beautifully with the city and Liverpool Waters.

I was hoping for something along the lines of the Lucas Oil Field possibly with a glass view scape to the city. From these drawings, it looks like I will be slightly disappointed and end up with something similar to Dortmund - still very good, but a missed opportunity with regards to maximising the location that we will find ourselves in. I know it will be good - I now think it just won't be as good as it could have been.

For me, its been a case of joining the dots, and taking my view about stuff well away from a EFC/Capacity/size/design or such fluff.

For many years I sold commercial funds as a living. And once the first tentative steps were taken, not a thing has changed my view that the ground is so nailed on to happen because of the political and economic ends on offer to several parties.

I have said from day one that my narrative may well be miles off. But every minor, and slightly bigger, developments over the year or 2 have not compromised my opinion.

Sounds about right. Calculation wise.
They wouldn’t dare go any lower, surely?

Kings Dock was designed to seat 55k and Kirkby was designed to be 50k. That would be saying we’ve gotten smaller in those 15 years.

Though, I wouldn’t put it past us.

I have to admit, as someone who goes to the match with my dad who uses a wheelchair, I am pretty impressed at where the wheelchair spaces are, its a but like wembley in that respect.

Have to say i quite like those renderings.... however, were we not told it wont be a bowl?!? Those renderings clearly state "bowl design" lol
The external design is that as shown on the Buro Happold documents.


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