Best 11 for the upcoming games

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Lookman IN.

Going to give myself an aneurysm if he doesn’t play next game.
I was very tempted to put him in my team. Im a big fan if his. But i went for a player with a bit more experience in niasse and who has scored a few this season.

Just drop Williams and Schneirderlin as they are constantly at fault for the goals we let in, and pick the same back four for a few games change the attack but leave the defence alone.

Time to remind some big money signings that they are not guaranteed starters. Not entirely their fault as Koeman has been trying to hammer square pegs into round holes all season. But Schneiderlin, Williams and Siggy need benching.


Kenny. Keane. Holgate. Baines


Vlasic. Davies. Lennon

DCL. Rooney
We should ask for refunds for some of these players.

At the moment formation and selection are irrelevant. Somebody (the manger) needs to explain how he wants them to play - if he knows himself.

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