Homepage Update: TV rights deals, hastening a breakway (Euro) League?

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If such a thing happened, you'd rarely get away support from foreign teams. Hardcore supporters wouldn't be able to go and watch every match home and away. The teams would become 'property' of the European Superleague, with loads of plastic fans supporting them, massively diluting the history of the clubs. If the RS want to get involved in that, all power to them ;)
Let them go ban them from the FA cup and ban the players from international squads,couple of years being also rans in a league where theres no relegation or promotion,while spending hundreds to follow your team it would be dead within 10 years
Don't think it would last as long as ten years, the majority of traveling support are normal lads and lasses, lets see the prawn sandwich brigade fill away ends. People say the clubs don't need fans anymore which is probably true to a point money wise but when the bread and butter fans turn away the games finished for me.
If such a thing were to take off, I think new teams would form rather than existing clubs joining such a league. Manchester United would continue playing in the Premier League, but they would also have a Superleague license to operate a franchise in the Superleague, probably heavily-subsidised and branded by major sponsors (Red Bull Manchester United FC) and playing in 'elite' stadiums around Europe. I think the model would be completely different to the traditional football club set up, and the vast prize money could feed back in to the parent club.

This way, the 'top' clubs get to strengthen their grip on their domestic leagues by being in a different financial stratosphere, retain their traditional domestic participation, the rich tourist plastic fans who love this sort of stuff can wave their 'Red Bull United' flags (that plus locals to a superleague stadium would fill the venues), and the TV companies would have a new 'premium' product to flog.
Like with anything money talks and it also ultimately corrupts, think hip-hop and the current increase in diving due to the importance of getting the win. In the end football will turn in to a sad bloated caricature of itself....like original Ronaldo.

So basically a mini champions league without any teams from the scruff nations.

It would be completely pointless. It would be boring and have no competitive theme to it.

Why would Liverpool want to play against best teams every week and lose?

Admitadly it's great to watch a match against 2 great teams, Athleti - Chelsea last night was superb ... but then you have Bayern - PSG, would Bayern really want to then have to play against Real Madrid a few days later, I don't think so.

You'd lose all the theatre of it as well, Celtic - PSG ... amazing.
So basically a mini champions league without any teams from the scruff nations.

It would be completely pointless. It would be boring and have no competitive theme to it.

Why would Liverpool want to play against best teams every week and lose?

Admitadly it's great to watch a match against 2 great teams, Athleti - Chelsea last night was superb ... but then you have Bayern - PSG, would Bayern really want to then have to play against Real Madrid a few days later, I don't think so.

You'd lose all the theatre of it as well, Celtic - PSG ... amazing.
Also looking at it, what would be the criteria to get in it, to be honest at present there are only about 6 clubs were money isn't an issue but how would the likes of Liverpool be guaranteed a place at the table.
Would it go on money alone or trophies won, fan base? , be a very small league if t went on mega rich clubs.
...never say never, the galictica clubs will know the global demand for their product and will have discussed this. Being selfish, I wouldn't want it to happen unless we were part of that elite group but the world is a smaller place than ever so a 3.00 kick off at the Nou Camp on a Saturday afternoon is more manageable than it ever was.
Already we are seeing the top 6 want a greater share of the overseas revenue rather than the evenly distributed among all premier league clubs.

Greed ruining football

AndyC submitted an update to GrandOldTeam's homepage

TV rights deals, hastening a breakway (Euro) League?

With the media and well-informed football people predicting and fully expecting further massive TV rights deals if the likes of Amazon, Facebook, and even Netflix throw their hat into the bidding ring, is a break-up of the Premier League and the other major European domestic leagues in favour of a true European League a growing possibility?

For a flavour of the potential scenario, take a read of this article.

I won’t go into the numbers, the Guardian report and other articles doing the rounds cover that much more comprehensively and eloquently than I could, suffice to say the suggestion that Man United, City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs and them across the park are intimating they would want considerably more of a newer, bigger cake than they currently enjoy.

This leads me to ponder whether they would try and put a gun to the head of the others by threatening to break-away and maybe even forcefully encourage the formation of a European League with the big clubs from Spain, Italy, France and Germany, and others too?

The potential numbers for future TV rights of the Premier League are staggering, likely to dwarf even the deal currently in situ and if the so-called ‘big’ clubs were to ever get their way, the current huge gap between them and the rest will likely become unbridgeable.

As I understand it, a break-up of the current league isn’t possible under the existing rules and conditions, but as with so many other things… money talks.

If enough cash were to be waved under the noses of the ownership and management structures at Man United, City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs and them across the park, then the likelihood is that they’ll sooner or later fancy trying to force the issue.

I’ve always felt that Michel Platini and others within UEFA previously secretly favoured the formation of a true European League and if there’s enough financial incentive splashed around, it’s really not that difficult to imagine those six plus and at least another six others from around Europe fancying such a competition.

If the ‘big six’ from the Premier League truly forced the issue, who could not see Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, Bayern Munich, Juventus and Inter Milan salivating at the idea of doing likewise to form at least a twelve-team “SuperLeague”.

Twelve teams could play twice home and away for a 44-game season without any need for a cup competition, the TV and internet broadcasting companies would probably go into a feeding frenzy for the rights to screen such a league.

If another six of the biggest, wealthiest, media-darling clubs could be persuaded or chose to breakaway, an 18-team league might be formed, with a reduction to once home and away for a 34-game season.

People will say UEFA would never countenance such a move, they’d ostracise those clubs from the Champions League, restrict players from signing into a new league etc and right now, that’s probably the position.

But if a big enough TV deal were offered would they, the clubs, be bothered and just plough ahead forming a new league? Would UEFA have no alternative than to consider sanctioning it under their banner?

The Champions League revenue streams are massive, but the marketing and TV viewing figures potential for such a “SuperLeague” could dwarf even those numbers.

Let’s imagine for argument sake that this breakaway league genuinely became a possibility and the current ‘big six’ chose to go their own way, would the domestic game here in England be any worse off?

I guess the answer is, in the short term – yes, but in the long term ?

Even at this early stage of the season, all bar those six would be grateful to finish seventh as Everton did last season, some considerable way behind.

Even the most rabid Evertonian, even when the summer transfer dealings were seemingly all going our way, was only thinking of breaking into the top four and hopefully winning one of the cups.

The subconscious focus of the fans of fourteen clubs varies from survival to mid-table respectability to hopes of finishing in the top ten. The days of everyone starting the season moreorless equal and competitively with one another are long gone distant memories.

Should the rest of the Premier League then bust a gut to prevent the ‘big six’ from going to form their greed driven and induced “SuperLeague” if that's what they ultimately choose to do?

If they broke away, wouldn’t the Premier League suddenly become that bit more competitive – instead of fourteen clubs looking no higher than seventh place, it could be fourteen, plus say the top four from the Championship in a new 18-team league with practically all of them harbouring title ambitions every August.

We’d miss the derbies if them across the park broke away and we’d miss the ‘big’ games against the others, but we’d likely not miss the results record of recent years against nearly all of them.

If, and it’s a huge if, these clubs left, wouldn’t a genuine competitiveness in a revised Premier League return, would the cup competitions especially the FA Cup recover some of the lost charisma with the playing field being levelled?

Or would we genuinely miss them and wish they had never left?

Or would we want Everton to be a part of it and go with them – a ‘big seven’?

Ultimately, it could come down to just how greedy one or more or all of the ‘big’ European clubs really are and who amongst them has the daring to launch such a movement?

No chance on earth any breakaway league would just contain a small number like 12 teams mate though.

Is the list you state would be involved

If the ‘big six’ from the Premier League truly forced the issue, who could not see Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, Bayern Munich, Juventus and Inter Milan salivating at the idea of doing likewise to form at least a twelve-team “SuperLeague”.

could 100% add in AC Milan to that list, Athletico, Monaco, Dortmund for starters. maybe others such as Valencia, Seville, and othe rteams with either a historic large supporter base or who have had recent success etc.

They would also want some way of including at least one club from other major but lesser nations - Turkey, Netherlands, Portugal to capitalise on market audience, Galatasaray, Porto, Ajax for example, i also think as it'd be entirely about making more money you would see Celtic included in any breakaway - they have a massive worldwide supporter base, they won't miss out on bringing that into the competition. Maybe even a Russian team as well - a huge market and inclusion of a Russian team as with other nations makes it relevant to that country etc.

The effect it would have on the league should this happen - it would make it instantly more competitive, well in theory anyways, in reality you may just see 1 or 2 of the biggest clubs (such as us) dominate constantly.

The effect it would have on the calibre of the league - basically it would absolutely kill it, ALL top players would want to be playing in the new European league, the TV rights etc for the new league would shrink back to figures of 10 years ago, nearly every club left behind would be left in an absolute financial mess, and some would go under in Blackburn and Leeds style, including almost certainly us.

You'd then be left in a situation of any young player you developed or any breakthrough player you signed would be taken off you with ridiculous ease by any of the teams in the European league.

What SHOULD happen if they ever did do this, a permanent ban on the club EVER rejoining the league - so if this European super league goes tits up, then goodbye to all 7 of those clubs, and if you want to be kind to them - you make them rejoin in the lowest division of the leagues - so a good 4 years minimum and actually more as all 7 teams would be forced to compete for 1-2 promotion spots each year, any player who has been registered in this super league is ineligible to play in the domestic league - so no retirement home once the player gets used up and spat out by the 'big clubs'

The reality is that i don't think the English clubs actually want to do it, what they want is to give the impression they will do it, in order to receive a hugely more imbalanced share of the money the clubs each get, effectively cementing their place as a top 6 forever in essence.
Premier league should threaten back in terms of point deductions IF these clubs continue with the threats and talks over effectively destroying the competition which is giving them 100's millions per year to compete in it.
Already we are seeing the top 6 want a greater share of the overseas revenue rather than the evenly distributed among all premier league clubs.

Greed ruining football

Let them want it, the other 14 clubs should counter it with a refusal to allow their games against them to be shown as a part of the overseas packages if they do so.
Don't see it happening due to probably only 4 English clubs being able to join. They'd want the RS due to their wacky international fanbase, that'd leave 3 places for London Mancs, Scruffy Mancs, Woolwich, BNP FC, and "FFS Spurs" FC. Utd are huge so that leaves two of City, Chelsea, Spurs and Arsenal missing out, not gonna happen. Also don't see the foreign teams wanting 6 English clubs in, especially as most of the teams do terribly in Europe.

nah mate, they would take all 6 of the teams that forced the issue, it's the english game that sells best overseas, they'd want a large contingent of those teams involved, Arsenal have a huge international following, Same as Chelsea have now developed too, City like PSG have such a rich owner that they will be included as they are now seen as European royalty so to speak, Spurs would be the odd one out and included only because they are currently ahead of the others (right place at the right time for them)

The other factor is - they would need to absolutely GUT the premier league of the biggest current teams in order to kill the interest completely in it, you do that by taking all the teams with the biggest international support and who are currently the best (a combination of both really)
Don't think it would last as long as ten years, the majority of traveling support are normal lads and lasses, lets see the prawn sandwich brigade fill away ends. People say the clubs don't need fans anymore which is probably true to a point money wise but when the bread and butter fans turn away the games finished for me.

The people discussing it in reality arent arsed about you mate, the arent arsed about away fans, it's a NFL model - and i don't think they even have an away fan allocation in their stadiums for example, they will ultimately pack it out with entirely home fans ensuring more money etc

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