Romelu Lukaku

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Not really arsed about this tbh, the contract was just a safety net didn't guarantee him staying if an offer came in. Just means that this summer is probably the peak amount in terms of transfer valuation before it gradually drops the closer it gets to the end of the contract.

Main concern is if we sell either needs to be to Chelsea or a foreign team, no point selling to any of the others as they're all realistically our rivals if we want to continue to push forward and challenge the teams above us.

For us to even stand a chance of getting a CL place (which I definitely don't think will happen), we'd have to get 9 points from our next 3 games. I predict 4 at best, realistically 1.

Next season we can hope to push towards it.
I agree, I don't think it will happen. It's still technically possible though
I find it difficult not to trust this man if I'm honest, seems perfectly legit.


those shoes look like they'd rub furiously without a nice pair of white cotton 2 stripe socks to protect the feet.

Big shock....player with big ego and an agent with an even bigger ego say they're off after saying they're staying.
Classic bargaining chip....going for big beans.
Not remotely concerned. I learned long ago that the only thing consistently loyal at a football club are the real supporters. Players wer, are and always will be transient.

Unless Lukaku is the best in the World then all this hogwash about how doomed we are and how he's irreplaceable is nonsense. Crikey, 90% on here were saying he couldn't trap a bag of cement not so long ago.

I'd say this is nowhere near done and dusted yet. Raiola is simply throwing down the gauntlet knowing full well that we have excess cash to burn. I think a multi billionaire like Moshiri will have handled far more difficult scenarios.
11th, 11th, 7th isnt enough to keep a player of his talent, sadly, thats just the way it is.

Sadly you're right

Right, time to dust ourselves off and get on with it

Back Rom for the rest of the season and hope he has a stormer, adding even more money to the eventual fee we'll get

We'll then have to hope that Walsh and Koeman can put that money to good use. We won't be able to sign a player as good as Rom, but hopefully we can sign a handful of decent ones and they can offset the Rom shaped hole in the squad somewhat
Last season we all knew this was his last with us he won't stay another season now.
I agree its looking unlikely now. But I can see why we don't want the clause too low (whatever that figure may be) as the clause could just be met right away. Obviously if its too high Rom (and/or his agent) see it as a bar to him getting away when they see fit.
So, we're probably left with a Stones type situation anyway now.

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