Transfer Window Thread

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Average number of shots is a bit meaningless, could at least use shots on target. It's also massively biased towards Barcelona and Real Madrid, as they're going to spend much less time defending and so both stats will be increased relative to other clubs.
Shots and key passes and it's not meaningless.

With only a few days before the draw when they will see who they play and if they have a chance of getting out of the group. If that was the master plan. (n)

The CL draw only became an issue after the private conversation Surkis had with player re an extension was disputed. It was a smokescreen to give Surkis a "reason" to stop the sale.

And Yarmolenko would not rock the boat.

Average number of shots is a bit meaningless, could at least use shots on target. It's also massively biased towards Barcelona and Real Madrid, as they're going to spend much less time defending and so both stats will be increased relative to other clubs.
He wasn't playing for Madrid and I think the reason it is biased to those teams is because they're the better teams but look the top players still come out on top.

Look where Nolito and James Rodriguez or even Pedro and he barely played. Any player that you think should be there is there.

Do you remember this bit of genius? :D

I've gone blind!!!!
Im just relieved lamella stays at Spurs. Otherwise ??...very predictable window really, knew Lennon was coming aages and his eyebrow stylist are very close. I would love to know what Martinez was thinking though making it public that he had eyes on targets and then also told of the areas we are actively seeking to strengthen ??. Does he like answering awkward questions from fan groups ? Really odd to put all your eggs (that wernt laid) into a basket that wasnt actually weaved. Perplexing.

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